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University Assignment - Character Animation

Hey guys I'd thought i'd make a start to my post about my character animation module. Basically the assignment is split into 3 sections.

Practical - 70% OVERALL

1) Make a walk cycle (15%)

2) Run & Jump Cycle/Prone to Standing sequence (15%)

3) 20 Second story Animation (70%)

Report - 30% OVERALL

We have to completely rig and skin a character and use various features in max including Footsteps and motion mixer.

So basically the walk cycle i will find pretty easy to do as i have a lot of research on how to do it and well in the practice i thought i made a pretty good walk cycle. In terms of the number 2 option i am going for the run & jump and give it ago, not quite sure how i am going to get the character to completely stop after jumping over an obstacle but i suppose i will figure that bit out when i come to it (me and the curve editor do not get along). In terms of the 20 second animation i plan to use the footsteps basic walking and and have some copies of my skinned character charge at the main guy and have my guy swing (whilst still walking). I plan to use the animations modularly. What i mean by this is i will create a simple attack animation and have that used by the enemy characters and the main character.

So first thing first... Skinning and rigging my character. I chose Dragon Knight from Dota 2 for my character and I am using Biped and the skin modifier (even though we are allowed to use physique we will lose marks due to the complexity of the skin).

Weirdly i found skinning soothing and nice and peaceful compared to the stress of modelling/zbrush work. So i made a basic animation sequence to test out the rig and so far so good but i have hit a problem.

See Dragon Knight has armour.... He has a helmet and shoulder pads and his helmet has weird chain parts that go down his back.


I am just curious what to do with them. I have skinned the helmet onto his head (obviously) but the other parts of the helmet that go down his spine i don't know what to do :p. I have no idea what to do with them and the bracers i am going to add on as a skin wrap so that i can see the twist in the forearms more clearly.

Any help would be appreciated and hope to update this thread as a progress :)


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