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First Full Body Model Progress Thread

As said in the title this is the thread documenting my progress with my first full body model, every little bit of help I can get would be brilliant.

Current progress from working through tutorials and looking at other model's topology:


Also, if someone could tell me how to get rid of the odd shading that'd be great (scene is lit using 3DS Max's default lighting)


  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Azranel wrote: »
    Also, if someone could tell me how to get rid of the odd shading that'd be great (scene is lit using 3DS Max's default lighting)

    Create a new standard material[press m], Double click the new material, assign It to your model[show standard map in viewport]or[circle and box icon on tab bar], locate the self illumination color area type in a percentage of 50% that might help, create any color you which on the side of that at the diffuse location, should help for something quick anyway.

    Looks alright for a first full, just be sure to really concentrate on those loops for deformation because once you get to the texturing and you want to make this guy move you'll kick yourself for not double checking them.

    When I was starting out I'd check how joints would move about by adding bones into say the hands or fingers and testing those out, using my hand as a reference to the movements and limitations.

    I'm not an animator so I can't say how far to take your rigging venture maybe someone will pop up to chime in on what you could do or were to concentrate more on what you currently have setup.

    Hope this has helped in some way.
    Also usually new comers either have to use the search bar extensively to get their information from other threads or a new comer such as yourself who has learned will come around, either way usually a hit or miss on here, don't feel saddened by a lack of response to your or anyone's thread. This place is pretty busy and things just get lost in the mix.
    Just a heads up.
  • Azranel
    Thanks for your reply, I'll look into the loops and update the thread when I've had a play around with it.

    I'll be sure to look around the rest of the forum for other tips (this model is for a University Module which has a 'community evaluation' portion, so any tips at all help both the modelling and my overall grade)
  • Azranel
    been too long since I updated this really but I got caught up with modelling and didn't really pause to stop but I've hit an issue that I just can't work out how to fix.

    I've textured and normal mapped a high poly sculpt on to a low poly and it looks fine in 3DS Max (I have turned off the gamma/lut correction) but when I take it into Unreal the seams show up. This happened in max until I disabled the gamma/lut but I've no idea how to do something similar in Unreal so any help would be brilliant.

    In 3DSMax:MaxnoseamsSeams_zpsf7bf6df7.jpg

    In Unreal: UDKSeams_zps2e9ef194.jpg
  • Showster
    Offline / Send Message
    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Azranel

    Have you tried flipping your normal maps green channel and reimporting it into Unreal ?
  • Azranel

    While it definitely looks a bit more defined the seams are still there :/
  • IchII3D
    Offline / Send Message
    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    I'm no character artist but I always got the feeling people rush into making full characters to early. It seems like your still in the early stages of learning how to sculpt and it feels like making a full character could be spreading yourself to thin.

    I personally would recommend focusing on something smaller, hands, face, feet, leg, arm. Keep it restrained and spend more time learning your craft. Again, I'm no character artist but it feels like you could benefit from looking at each area of the body separating before you try to put together the complex and extremely difficult jigsaw puzzle.

    Also, baking is a skill. But its a very technical skill which can be learned by doing it multiple times. Understanding anatomy and forms is something which requires patience and study. I recommend not worrying about getting any character in game until your sculpting ability gains some ground.

    To sum it up, its all about focusing your time on what will benefit you the most. Don't get bogged down or aim to high without first practicing the fundamentals.
  • Azranel
    Managed to fix the seams to an acceptable level for the moment by re-importing the flipped green channel normal map and changing the compression to TC_Normal map and the LODGroup to UI (found in another thread). It's not perfect but it gives me something to work with.
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