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Can't Save or Play Test

Hey guys, I keep getting this message when trying to play test or save my level, any idea how I can solve this issue? [Please see attached pic]

Thanks in advance


  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Looks like you managed your files badly. Can you show, how the folders looks in the content browser?I mean where is your package. The solution is, when you make a new map, save the scene itself first, then when you import your assets, make a package for it.You will see the package is created outside everything first (on the very bottom of the list in the content browser), then when you left click to it, and saving, save it to the same folder, where your scenefile is.
  • Formidable John
    Thanks for your quick reply.

    All of the Packages listed in the content browser make up my scene with the exception of the "John's Ocean" package and "MyPackage" They are simply for reference.

    When I initially created the scene , I used the "waterPack". I then decided to expand on the water and get a better result. I created the "waterTest" pack which is the package I believe is causing the issue.

    I think the problem started when I drag and dropped my newly created material from the "waterTest" package on a water plane in my scene that was currently linked to my "waterPack" package. That's my guess as to what may be causing it.
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Try to create a new folder inside udkgame/content, then a new scene which you will save to the previously created folder.then a new package (save it to the previously created folder too), and copy everything to this package with different naming. I bet this will solve your problem. :/

    I think you got this problem because your packages are just in the content folder (and maybe your scene file is somewhere else), not in its own inside the content folder.
  • blankslatejoe
    Offline / Send Message
    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    So long as all maps/upks saved within the content folder it should work...shouldn't *need* to be within a folder within that (though its tidier). Source references (the models/textures prior to import) don't need to be in within the content folder..only the upks and umaps.

    But obscura's right--it is thinking something referenced that's saved outside of that content folder.

    Also, sometimes you'll get errors like this if you try and save or play the game WHILE the game is already running
  • Formidable John
    Thanks, I'll try that and post my progress.
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Source references (the models/textures prior to import) don't need to be in within the content folder..only the upks and umaps.

    I don't said that, I just said, he need to save hes package and scenefile into a folder inside the content folder. :)
  • mAlkAv!An
    Offline / Send Message
    mAlkAv!An polycounter lvl 5
    Would have been the right answer :p
    No need to have maps and packages in the same conent sub folder.
  • Froyok
    Offline / Send Message
    Froyok greentooth
    Also, don't put spaces in you package names, the UDK do strange behaviors and errors with these packages.
  • Formidable John
    Thanks for all your help guys. The Level and packages are saving correctly again, everything play test as it should.

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