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How Can I Take this Further?

polycounter lvl 5
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dproeder polycounter lvl 5

I'm going for the cartoony, pixar feel that Wildstar has. I wanted to get some feedback from polycount before I started the next phase of the process. I'm basically 90% there, but we all know that last 10% is a bitch.

I know I have to touch up the specular map. Its just the standard spec u get from nDo2 right now.






  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    The normal map looks clean. But your diffuse is totally killing this guy in a bad way. Mostly I blame the heavy AO/cavity map being straight b/w and set to multiply. What this does is cause your colors to loose saturation and get cooler in tone as they get darker making it look like burnt toast. I think ideally you would want to have the opposite. Leather for example- as the brown gets darker it becomes more saturated and hue shifts to the red slightly causing it to look warmer. I would add gradiant maps to your AO based on the material and get some color as it goes to the dark values.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Ah thanks Neil. I guess knowing that stuff all comes down to color theory and how it relates to materials in the real world. I think utilizing my spec maps to further reinforce the believability of the material will take this a long way as well. I enjoyed perusing through your art blog. Phil is pretty neat.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Since you have a highpoly you should bake your AO from that. The AO conversion that nDo2 does works great on flat surfaces, but for a character like this a proper bake will give you more accurate and better looking results.

    And yeah working out your material definition will be the biggest push. Get a gloss map in addition to your specular since the spec/gloss relationship has in my opinion the biggest visual impact.
    And again, don't rely straight on the automatically generated map that nDo2 gives you. Think of your spec and gloss maps as number values rather than textures. There's a lot more to them than just highlights on edges and dirt being a darker shade of gray. Marmoset is super helpful in quickly prototyping values since it can read PDF files and automatically refreshes the textures when you save in photoshop.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Fingus wrote: »
    Since you have a highpoly you should bake your AO from that. The AO conversion that nDo2 does works great on flat surfaces, but for a character like this a proper bake will give you more accurate and better looking results.

    Which platform do you use to bake AO with? I've used topgogun and maya before. Haven't tried the AO in xnormal yet though. I'm finding it more and more difficult to find literature involving advanced character texturing techniques. I've never seen a tutorial explaining the relationship between gloss and spec.
  • Barbarian
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    Barbarian polycounter lvl 13
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    The skin for this guy looks terrible, the clothing all looks clean n nice but the skin has noise everywhere that dosnt really make sense. Esp if your going for a pixar look, you want clean smooth surfaces with some bumb details at selected places, not everywhere.
  • Torch
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    lotet wrote: »
    The skin for this guy looks terrible, the clothing all looks clean n nice but the skin has noise everywhere that dosnt really make sense. Esp if your going for a pixar look, you want clean smooth surfaces with some bumb details at selected places, not everywhere.

    The character is made of stone. Maybe reducing the bumpyness in my normal will achieve the effect you are talking about? But to be honest, I have no issue with the skin as it is.
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  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Fingus wrote: »
    Get a gloss map in addition to your specular since the spec/gloss relationship has in my opinion the biggest visual impact.

    So a gloss map is just taking your uv islands, and giving them a monochromatic value based on how sharp or wide their specular highlights are. That seems easy enough. I'll play around with that.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    What are you rendering your real-time in?

    This was marmoset. I used the sunlight prefab. Typically I use dawn. I've played around with setting up lights in Marmoset. Maybe I need to set up a three point light setup.
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    This is going to sound like a total ad, but I started using Topogun with Hardware Ambient occlusion and have never looked back. Bakes super clean AO with the option to add some top down light with minimal setup.
  • Charlie23
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    Charlie23 polycounter lvl 10
    Really nifty character here! Daddy likey.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Ok I've just spent time in the polycount texturing wiki, and I've developed a war plan.

    - Pick a logical color scheme (as outlined in the DOTA art bible pdf)
    - Bake a AO pass with my high poly, decimated .objs
    - Bake a Point Light pass on the high poly .objs
    - Hue Shift the Shadows and Highlights on these bakes away from Grey and into respective complimentary hues.
    - Hand paint some subtle hue blends on areas of visual interest
    - Use my specular and gloss maps to reenforce the surface materials of the model
    - Choose a better lighting scheme
    - Model/texture a sci fi saloon for him to kick back in.

    Any other ideas polycount?
  • MontyH
    I'd have to agree with everyone. The character is looking great, but I cannot put my finger on the problem regarding the texture work. Everything looks very clean, but the AO map needs to be inverted and maybe dialed down. All in all, it looks fantastic:)
  • Dubzski
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    Dubzski polycounter lvl 11
    Excellent start, without reading what you were doing; i immediatly thought of the big hard-a$$ fella from Wildstar =). I agree with the comments on the diffuse texture that's going to be where the magic really happens as your normals and spec look fine.

    At the moment the diffuse is looking grey/de-saturated everywhere. As soon as you saturate the diffuse and get some contrast in there with strong highlights + shadows it will pop nicely. Oh never ever have pure black in your shadows btw.

    Mmm next time maybe also post a still image so that we can really look at whats going on, slightly distracting when its always spinning + can't do a paint over. I know you can save a gif and split it up... but that shouldnt be required!
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Just bought a license for Topogun 2. And don't worry Neil, you didn't influence my decision. I was using an....educational version of 1.6 and I love the program so much I went with the upgrade. The new Draw, Extrude and Tube tools are amazing, and it seems the map baking is more stable.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    I've also been wrestling with this for a while.

    In instances where floating geometry sits on top or intersects with underlying meshes, what is the best way to ensure clean bakes. Increase/inflate the default bake cage size? Create a custom cage and only back on the inside of the cage? Here is my upper body piece. You can see lots of floating geometry here.


    What is everyone's solution for issues like this?
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    your colors are bad and do not fit. Orange and blue ok, but the citron yellow, no. Cut all the yellow and green parts. the green on the machine could stay but the rest needs to be gone. The chest-piece on your UV as individual part has perfectly harmonic colors.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Laggy forums >.> Only the citron yellow / green-ish one i mean. Not the warm yellow you use on the chest etc.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    I'd suggest really going back and defining what this character is all about. what's his story? What's he do for a living? Is he good at it or does he suck at it? These are the kind of questions you have to ask yourself in order to make a character come to life.

    I did a quick paintover based on your design. I hope it helps!

    The major things I noticed are:

    - Adding caps or trim to your character's armor will make it look more like a real object. ending abruptly is usually a sign of a broken or unfinished item.

    - functionality. The broad strokes seem to be there for your character but the details are missing! add in stitching to hold some things together, buckles, rivets and bolts are some other things that really sell an item as real.

    - Glowing blue orbs are fine, but only in small doses :P By putting them on your characters feet your eyes go down to them quite often. Like in the valve guide you generally want to direct the eyes back to the focal point of your model, in this case the head/chest area. Make sure it's the brightest area of your model so that the eye keeps coming back to it.

    - Silhoutte and stylizing your character: The overall shapes need to sell the character before the details. Refine the anatomy and read of the shapes by making some mid level details that read well from a distance. Things like the horns on the skull and the pipes on his gloves work better when they are larger and more stylized.

  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    artquest wrote: »
    I did a quick paintover based on your design. I hope it helps!

    I don't know whether to thank you, or curse you for showing me how much more work I really CAN do. I'm not a character artist by trade. I tend to gravitate more towards environment, so this project was a fun diversion.

    As far as back story, I did put thought into this.


    Hes a Cival War inspired Deserter turned gun for hire
  • Cordell Felix
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    Cordell Felix polycounter lvl 9
    that was awesome of you artquest! dpro you should follow it!
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    I surely will Cordell. I really appreciate the special interest Artquest!
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    dproeder wrote: »
    I don't know whether to thank you, or curse you for showing me how much more work I really CAN do. I'm not a character artist by trade. I tend to gravitate more towards environment, so this project was a fun diversion.

    As far as back story, I did put thought into this.


    Hes a Cival War inspired Deserter turned gun for hire

    Awesome! Thats a great jumping off point for your character, To make him extra interesting look for opportunities to tell his story through the visuals. For instance when doing the paintover, I imagined for some reason he decorated his armor a bit (the star) and the tally marks for some accomplishments he considered noteworthy. The more interesting marks of the character's history you bring to light purely through the modeling/texturing the more that character will come to life.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Wow, looks alot better there.
    New textures look great, the stone skin could prob still be worked on. It looks more like elephant skin then stone. you should look at some references of stone gollems and actual rocks.
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