Hiyo all!
Season 3 of Game of Thrones is almost upon us! (just a few days!) We all really dig the series so far, so we thought it'd be fun to have a little Game of Thrones 3D Throwdown on the subject! haha
Some of us are already further along than others, but no particular deadline for it. It's just for fun and for folio, so most of us are only planning on doing some busts. It'll be pretty smallscale, otherwise it'd be a proper civil war :poly121:
anyway, some hopefully some peeps will post progress soon!
I kid i kid, this will be awesome!
I'm a little bit embarrassed to show the many wips to get to this point, but I've been recording the process since I hardly ever sculpt real-gaiz and that's increasingly more important these days for job searching. If it's not maximum-cringeworthy maybe i'll post it up after i get this bust working better! I definitely made lots of lulzy mistakes :poly122: please feel free to rip it apart
i decided to put up some orthoish views so its easier to crit
Let's rock !!
D-day 2 left for Game of Thrones season 3 ^^ yay
Nice hair and good likeness u got already!
I will update my first wip image soon
keep it up !
Damn funky you make fibermesh look good
one khal drogo and one khaleesi please
Daphz, it's actually not 100% fibermesh. I used max hair too, I'm pretty bad with fibermesh, but it seems like its only good if you don't have to do any major styling with it cuz it's pretty unwieldy for me.
The beard is made of 5 layers of fibermesh:
For the eyebrows i did it using 3ds max hair with splines
For the head hair i used guide splines again in 3 sections, sideR, sideL, and middle, then i combined that with my initial styled fibermesh sketch for the volume. I'm sure if you actually know what you're doing you can make it look really nice this way though haha.
I didn't want to post right after my last update. I know these other guys have some sweet stuff cooking! but I made some minor adjustments to hopefully make mine look a little more like Jorah. Let me know what you think!
+1 :P
Please, make his face slightly ripped off. his character deserves a painful death.
Other than that, awesome stuff!
Funky, i think that maybe the beard is a little bit to thick overall.
Good job guys cant wait to see the others!
love the draped cloth hanging from the bust.
Awesome stuff!
here is my results with painted version and clay render
it almost feels like there is no lower lip.
besides that, i like it. the eyes are great.
hes looking good though
Lroy - he looks awesome .....but I still hate that little f***er!!!!
I think I'm way passed the point of diminishing return with this guy
I did a timelapse of it too if anyone's interested
bunnies i love you but i like this one better
badass work, MrSkullface! she came out great
Really like the sculpt and I think you did a great job on the likeness. My only crits would be the nose is a bit on the small side, could do with a slightly larger nose. And the eyebrow has a downward twist at the end of it which although gives her a nice expression does break the likeness (but that's a nitpick). And the last thing I noticed is the line under her eye, it works well but I think it's a bit to strong at the moment and it screams for attention at the moment.
Anyway awesome sculpt non the less!
@Funky Bunnies:
Really nailed the likeness! Even the hair is pretty spot on (even though the zbrush hair looks really CG here) In your case I think it's mostly the shader letting you done on the realism. And the skin might be a bit to "clean" in the series I always notice the very visible pores on his face. Other than that not much to bitch
The character has a pretty big forehead but you went for a long forehead rather than pulling back his hairline which I think is the case on the real Bronn. Even though the character is pretty skinny I think the cheeks are too hollow on your sculpt. Overall I think the face is just to long. Awesome job though, did recognize him easily.
Joffrey, Why'd you pick him dude
yea i see new things that are off each time i update her or look at her, I felt my time was up when i felt like i was going backwards and making more mistakes. Likeness is crazy hard for me. It was fun though : ]
Bang on likeness to me, looks amazing!