That's really awesome, I've always been impressed by runics art style! Wish I had time to make some content, so I'll just watch from the sidelines for now.
didn't have time last night, unpaking the content took longer than i thought. Going to get this guy and its variants in tonight! Will post updates of it in game.
moose, did you have any art style guidelines you used when creating?
not really, just kept kinda with the Torchlight 1 weapon polycounts, plus some more since there has been time since the last game. May need to go in and optimize some. As far as pivots, scales, etc - I probably got everything wrong, but will fix it once i get it in. They have a link to some sample content that i'll run my model by tonight.
Stylistically I played some torchlight 2 and kinda thought about what I thought would be cool and just did whatever. The style I did this in may not work at all I need to get it in game to see if it actually fits, it may not at all, in which case I'll scrap it as a Torchlight 2 weapon and make some more I'll try to document process and anything that's out of the ordinary, but I feel that i may need to rethink the texturing once its in game.
ALLLMOST, seems like I have an issue with my Material, and the scale is pretty much fucked Eyeballed based on their examples but didn't go far enough, thought the weapon i was scaling to was smaller!
Closer... after manually typing out the .material file, tho it only works in the character viewer. doesn't show up in game... ?
woot. Unchecking the generate LOD button on the exporter I was using for Max 2012 made it work.
have some more stuff to figure out, but got it in finally, figured out the icon sheets, and next will be the steam uploading once i polish this up some.
The texture style for our prototype was too flat and unrefined. However, it had the basic principles we wanted: a combination of simplified shapes with inked line work, and comic book-style gradient coloring.
visual style we're pursuing we often talk about "chunky" details: using simplified shapes, streamlined, bold features, and giving things a sense of weight. We also talk about "clean" versus "loose", and
We worked primarily with diffuse maps with spec and self-illumination options.
We liked the theory of classic animation: backgrounds which were soft and painterly, combined with moving elements with crisp outlines, a simplified structure, and clean, layered gradients for coloring
Nothing about the color palettes specifically though.
Ah cool good find! Those are great things to keep in mind. While drawing this initially and texturing, i did struggle with wanting to put detail in. Tried to keep the idea in my head of the scale it shows up in game, how much detail you can see vs percieve, what i could get away with shadow painting vs geo, and above all making sure the weapon had weight. Don't have a ton of specifics, and despite being obvious, I think the best style guide is Torchlight 2
Fantastic stuff. I will have to make a critter or 2 and maybe an armor set... I do love the editor / tools pipeline for this game. Some awesome things that can be done with the randomization and Layouts. Has one of the best particle systems out there as well.
Thanks Matabus! And thanks to you guys for releasing the tool, I love the build option and how easy it is to package stuff. Assuming submitting to the Workshop will be as easy. After finding the Ogre exporter for 2013 I was happy, thought I may have to figure out how to get 2009... but glad I don't! The .material file it saves is bad and needs rewritten, but that's no prob. Getting weapons in is super easy, may try pushing myself a bit and figure out how to build a mini dungeon Had stuff made ages ago for a TL1 mod, but its lost on some old HDs.
Wrote up some comments for myself after getting the weapon in, observing it in game compared to other assets, and other general personal issues. Not going to hem & haw over it much, will do minor tweaks, but will probably just keep in mind for next stuff.
Looking at the basic weapons from Torchlight, I can't believe how insanely low poly they are. I'm shooting to have this puppy on the low end of 300 Will update tomorrow when I have the model finished.
@moose Awesome f***in sword! Did you have to export using max 2009?
Hey, are any of you using later versions of Max? I'm attempting to do some test exports of mesh and animations. Can I use OgreMax? As the free one only says up to 5 animations exports per model. Though it looks like each animation is its own skeleton so it shouldnt matter right?
Correct me if I'm wrong - I don't think there needs to be a specific naming convention to the individual files. I just went with Torchlight's convention (you can look and see how their files are named). In my case, I named my material > name_diffuse, and then in the material editor > name_mat as well as the object > name. When you export the mesh as an ogre scene, it creates a material, mesh and dds file - all of which should use the names you used in max and should all be included in your mod media folder. The material file does all the referencing for you.
Lovely work guys, looks like i'll have a few new modes to try out. Thought I'd dabble with it a bit and make a Hellboy collection of sorts. Mainly "The Right Hand of Doom" and "The Good Samaritan". Both have been modelled and I'm currently in the process of texturing the Right Hand. Here is a little peek.
I have a biped with some attached bones at the end of chains. Like a mouth, and a few others various places. The biped works with no issue, the mouth bone as well. However these other bones while showing up fine in the TLMesh Viewer are not activating in the animation sequences.
Whats throwing me for a loop is the mouth one does work correct. I thought it might be because I physically moved these bones in space versus just rotate, but I tried on the mouth as a test, and that displayed in guts.
I tried:
Changing bone types
Different versions of ogre export.
Each vertex is not bound to more than 4 bones.
Made sure that said bones are at least listed in the animation editor in guts (they are).
Renaming the bones
Adding nubs at end
Using different versions of the xml convertor.
I'm in Max2012 with the EasyOrge Exporter (only one that works).
Do any of you have any more ideas I could try? I'm at my wits end.
Has anyone figured out a good workflow for Maya to GUTS importing? I was messing around with this on the weekend but seemed a bit convuluted, e.g. downloading plugins for Ogre tools, using Blender for file conversion, scale previewing, etc. Although found a good plugin for converting a file from within Maya to .mesh files. Anyway would be good to hear about other's experiences with it
EDIT: Found a plugin for Maya that allows exporting files straight to .mesh format, called Ogremax:
Just trying to figure out how to get it appearing in the engine now XD
I literally cannot get Blender to show Torchlight Import/Export in the addons menu, tried to link it to the Ogre XML converter several times but doesn't work XO
Hey all, for anyone else with issues importing to Blender, you have to put the folder itself into the Blender addons directory, not just extract what's inside it to addons. I finally managed to get a test weapon in there and now wanted to try out some armor pieces.
I modeled a really simple (just a box shape really) helmet to try out, imported it the same way as the weapon. It shows up when spawning the item in game, but for some reason when actually equipping the item it just appears as a cloth cap. Anyone know if I'm doing anything wrong here?
I've posted an image of the character with the helmet spawned on the ground (just a box with a UV texture on)
The following link is an image of the setup I have for it in GUTS. If you could take a look at it and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong that would be excellent. Thanks
Edit: Speaking of art style, not sure I saw anything on the wiki for design guidelines.
didn't have time last night, unpaking the content took longer than i thought. Going to get this guy and its variants in tonight! Will post updates of it in game.
not really, just kept kinda with the Torchlight 1 weapon polycounts, plus some more since there has been time since the last game. May need to go in and optimize some. As far as pivots, scales, etc - I probably got everything wrong, but will fix it once i get it in. They have a link to some sample content that i'll run my model by tonight.
Stylistically I played some torchlight 2 and kinda thought about what I thought would be cool and just did whatever. The style I did this in may not work at all
ALLLMOST, seems like I have an issue with my Material, and the scale is pretty much fucked
Closer... after manually typing out the .material file, tho it only works in the character viewer. doesn't show up in game... ?
woot. Unchecking the generate LOD button on the exporter I was using for Max 2012 made it work.
have some more stuff to figure out, but got it in finally, figured out the icon sheets, and next will be the steam uploading once i polish this up some.
Here are some different quotes from it
Nothing about the color palettes specifically though.
Wrote up some comments for myself after getting the weapon in, observing it in game compared to other assets, and other general personal issues. Not going to hem & haw over it much, will do minor tweaks, but will probably just keep in mind for next stuff.
Looking at the basic weapons from Torchlight, I can't believe how insanely low poly they are. I'm shooting to have this puppy on the low end of 300
@moose Awesome f***in sword! Did you have to export using max 2009?
@oXYnary Oh man an ostrich pet would be awesome!
I also found this
Early Testing.
Here's the finished product on the Steam Workshop:
If anyone has questions about the process, I'd be happy to help! I plan on making some more weapons in the future when I get some more time!
Also, is there some specific naming conventions for materials?
little update:
Think I'm going to take it into photoshop at this point to really get that graphic look. Oops bedroll was hidden while I took that shot in zbrush.
Criticism and comments welcome
Whats throwing me for a loop is the mouth one does work correct. I thought it might be because I physically moved these bones in space versus just rotate, but I tried on the mouth as a test, and that displayed in guts.
I tried:
I'm in Max2012 with the EasyOrge Exporter (only one that works).
Do any of you have any more ideas I could try? I'm at my wits end.
*red=Ones not working.
*green=Mouth one that is.
EDIT: Found a plugin for Maya that allows exporting files straight to .mesh format, called Ogremax:
Just trying to figure out how to get it appearing in the engine now XD
EDIT: Figured out a workaround, using this guy's way of importing the Meshes into Max rather than Blender -
I modeled a really simple (just a box shape really) helmet to try out, imported it the same way as the weapon. It shows up when spawning the item in game, but for some reason when actually equipping the item it just appears as a cloth cap. Anyone know if I'm doing anything wrong here?
I've posted an image of the character with the helmet spawned on the ground (just a box with a UV texture on)
The following link is an image of the setup I have for it in GUTS. If you could take a look at it and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong that would be excellent. Thanks
Stuck some boxing gloves on the berserker, still need to polish the texture XD
Just trying out an idea for a 1H axe now, need to fix up the texture as its still pretty basic