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Handpainted Axe: Critque Requested

A warm welcome to each member out there!

This was a side task that I created last month and is actually the first time hand painting a weapon. I figured that if I am going to improve any way, that the best way to do so is to just post and get as many critiques as possible.

I know that I am missing some bounce lighting along the blade connection, but other than that I am just blind. Even after a month away from it I cannot see anything else that is wrong. :poly122:


Anything and everything is appreciated and thank you!


  • pixelb
    Offline / Send Message
    pixelb greentooth
    Hi MDiaz! Your cylinders could be more optimized. 10 sides is high for cylinders of this scale; 6-8 sides is more appropriate. I also noted some geo that's so slight it's not worth having. Texture-wise it looks okay but the twine on the handle looks flat, in part because of the weird white horizontal highlights. You could get away with having fewer UV islands too, there's no reason to split up the blade from the rest of the head.

  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Hmm I kinda disagree. I'd keep those edge loops in, they give it more of a silhouette.

    This is gonna be seen up close, I imagine, so you're best off keeping in those edge loops. 746 tris isn't exactly a lot.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    You have 6 sides on the torus attached to the handle, and almost double that for the little emblem on the side of the axe. What I would do is have the emblem painted directly on the mesh and use the extra edge loops for the torus. I like how you split up the uv's to save texture space, nicely done :)
  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    i dont have much knowlege about handpainted textures.. it looks fine for me. but i think that the geometrie really dont support ur Texture.. It looks Mechanic. Add mor Movment into the shape... a branch is not 100% straigt and also the handle and the end of the branch. mostly there are cuts at the end of a branch becouse it is dry and Moving no matter if the wood dont grow.. also the metal looks on the one hand old and dirty but on the other hand it dont have scraches or something.

  • ElectroNugget
    Looks great, your textures are pretty nice. :) Like rschmidt said though, I think the handle could use a slight curve.
  • mariomanzanares
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    mariomanzanares polycounter lvl 5
    I agree with pixelb. 6-8 are enough, 10 is too much for this style.

    Also, in handpainted style you should avoid using purely black for shadows. Try to use dark colors to achieve a more painterly style, but NEVER get totally black parts. In the same way, light is not just white. If you study some illustration work or WoW game-art, they use warm light colors like yellow or orange for the "specular" parts and cool dark blue for shadows.

    This might sound silly, but your model is going to be much alive if you don't use just black and white to get values.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Im really against all this cylinder crippling. Why would you want to get towards 6 sides on a cylinder, the polycount is perfectly fine.

    6 is a hexagon, thats not even close to being round. I dont see why so many people take this so far.
    Nothing in 3D modeling is as ugly as a supposed round shape having too few sides.

    Also if you have a torus like that, why even bother faking it round. You can either get a perfectly crisp looking hexagon - screw like shape
    or a awful circle.


    I dont know the view distance or usage, from far it sure if ok round, RTS,
    top down, whatever, still.

    You should tone down the black paint on the edge, it fakes depth where
    you shouldnt have it, it looks like theres a big gap between the actual
    blade and the connecting part.

    Also use more color, wood is not just brown, metal is not just grey
    Get some blue hue in, green red, but very decent, it makes the texture more vivd
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