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Errors that either don’t exist or I don’t understand ^^;;

Errors that either don’t exist or I don’t understand ^^;;

I’m following along with tutorials sent to me by a previous college instructor. To help with my learning he basically told me to just copy what I see him doing (I’m learning disabled). I completed two different files (MyGameType.uc and MyGameHUD.uc). The first file seems to be fine, but the second file has a couple of errors that don’t seem to make sense to me.

// Class Creation
class MyGameType extends UTGame;
var int gameScore;
var float gameTimer;
// Timer
function Tick(float DeltaTime)
	gameTimer -= DeltaTime;
	if(gameTimer < 0)
		gameTimer = 0;
	//Set HUD type to the My Game HUD
	//initial start time
	gameTimer = 60;
	//Turn off classic HUD; makes ours useable
	bUseClassicHUD = true;

// HUD Creation

class MyGameHUD extends HUD;
var MultiFont Myfont;

// Draw Actual HUD

function DrawHUD()
// Greeting
function drawGreeting()

//position and look
	local float textSizeX;
	local float textSizeY;
	local string Greeting;

	Greeting = "Welcome to my nightmare!!";

	Canvas.Font = Myfont;
	Canvas.textSize(Greeting, textSizeX, textSizeY, 0.1, 0.1);
	Canvas.SetPos((Canvas.SizeX / 2) - (textSizeX / 2), (Canvas.SizeY / 2) - (textSizeY / 2));
	Canvas.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255);
	Canvas.DrawText(Greeting, ,0.1, 0.1);

// Score
function drawGameScore()
	local WorldInfo rWorldInfo;
	local MyGameType rGame;
	local int score;

	//populate score

	//Grab Instance of WorldInfo and Verify Its Validity
	rWorldInfo = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(); 
	if(WorldInfo != none)
		//Convert Game Object to Custom Game Class
		rGame = MyGameType(WorldInfo.Game);

		//Did this work/succeed? Make sure!
		if (rGame != none)
			score = rGame.gameScore;

		//Draw the score itself

		//position and look

		//puts score into readable string (on screen)
		Canvas.DrawText("Score:" @score);


	Myfont = MultiFont'UI_Fonts_Final.menus.Fonts_AmbexHeavyOblique';


In MyGameHUD.uc I’m getting the following errors:
(Ignore warning #5. For some reason, this file is pulling up codes from another project.)


I’m also trying to figure out why Canvas never autocompleted or changed to the turquoise color. I wonder why rWorldInfo isn't working either. I’m driving myself crazy trying to figure this out. What did I do wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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