
So i've got this problem with 3dsmax.
Basicaly when ever im on 3ds max 12 or 13, it tends to freeze my pc every so often. It doesnt happen just as i get into the program, it happens after 10-50 minutes. I've tried to find a fix but im having no such luck. I'm having to use 3dsmax 2010 but i'd rather use the newer version.
When ever it does freeze my screens seem to just stick to the last frame before crashing and hhd light on the case doesnt go of. ( keeps lit). I dont think its a hardware problem as everything's basicaly new, plus it runs fine on max 2010. And every other program...
Hopefully some of you smart guys who know 3dsmax batter than me can tell me whats wrong

thank you

Max2012 is completely unstable from my point of view.
Jeremiah_bigley: Never thought of that, will give it a go
Peanut: well if 2011 works ill download that
Cheers guys
I have been considering learning maya. Maybe this is a good time to do so
Could you leave max untouched and it will crash, too, within your 10-50min frame? or does it while u normaly work with it?
For some reason flash no longer saves my settings, so i have to do it everytime i start my pc now.
Hope this works for you.
One thing it may be is an overheating video card. Nitrous tends to work the video card harder than Direct3D. Try using SpeedFan to monitor your GPU temp. I used to have a problem where my GPU would hit 80 degrees and lock up.
i know at least one of the most annoying issues has been resolved, particularly the
pan/rotate bug, which would lock up rotation after panning in 2012.
*EDIT* unfold map breaking UV's has not been fixed.
as for crashes, i had trouble in general with ATI 12.7(i think) drivers being horribly unstable, crashing my computer uncontrollably. it didn't help that my Asus p9x79 motherboard BIOS drivers were unstable as well.
i updated the motherboard BIOS, and a bunch of the crash and lockup issues went away, as well as a bunch of USB issues, and trouble watching youtube videos with 3ds max running at the same time.
currently on the ATI 13.2 Beta 5 drivers, and i haven't experienced a crash with 3ds max 2013 yet, although i've mostly just been modifying the UI, and not doing any heavy 3d work.
Cheers for all ur help guys
recently i tried installing 2013 64bit on win7 os. i am facing similar problems such as crashes or display turning off but hdd still lit on. my ati drivers are fine. this happen after modelling for some time and when leaving max idle. what seems odd is the cpu seems to be on overdrive most of the time. not sure if gpu is gettg overheated. this happen even after switchg from nitrous to dx3d. yeah i got the service pack installed too. 2011 was breeze for me. but never tried 2012. Any help would be relief