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Yet another sci-fi corridor

Hello everyone, I'm a freelance 2d artist that decided to do 3d again, having worked with it a few years ago - and what better way to start again than with a corridor? I used cryengine for the scene and overall is pretty darn stoked about the result!

I didn't really have time to concept before doing this so it was pure chaos as far as assets and stuff is concerned, but holy crap did I learn a lot and had a great deal of fun doing it!

HUGE thanks to Spitfire and Rens for pushing me to take this to a whole other level!


  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    I don't think "yet another Sci-Fi Corridor" does this justice, really nice work here!
    Simple, clean, while still giving a sense of ambiance to the space.
  • Erik Rönnblom
    Thanks, that's pretty much exactly what I was going for! I guess I'll change the title a bit.
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    As someone who is also working on "yet another Sci-Fi Corridor" I feel safe in saying that this is indeed something to be proud of. Love what you've got here. Really interesting lighting, but in a very good way. Nicely done. Any chance you can get a shot of the modular pieces all broken apart?
  • Erik Rönnblom
    J0NNYquid wrote: »
    As someone who is also working on "yet another Sci-Fi Corridor" I feel safe in saying that this is indeed something to be proud of. Love what you've got here. Really interesting lighting, but in a very good way. Nicely done. Any chance you can get a shot of the modular pieces all broken apart?
    Sure, the newest version of cryengine seems to corrupt my level files but here's a screen of the same assets in an unlit scene.
    Getting that dramatic light going in conjunction with nice spec/gloss really pushes it. The glowing box is just a glow material placed on a solid to save time. I have a godray-plane somewhere but I can't for the life of me find it.
  • e-freak
    that's pretty awesome! it looks like concept art (but then again you already said you have a 2d background :))
  • Erik Rönnblom
    Thanks, I poured a lot of love into this so it means a lot to hear that :D
  • PixelSuit
    This looks fantastic, great work! The lighting work really makes this piece stand out. The only slight thing for me is the "Warning..." sign on the left, seems a little distracting. That is being really picky of course, there isn't really anything to crit here. Yet another reason for me to try CryEngine!
  • Erik Rönnblom
    hmm, I'm inclined to agree and I'll try to change it asap!

    The only problem is that there seems to be an error with the latest cryengine build (3.4.3). It claims my levels are corrupted when I try to load them though I doubt that they actually are. Even very early savefiles of levels seem to get the same error. I had to redo the whole scene and not close the new version for 3 days straight while working on this (just in case of getting such errors on shutdown). Now that I have rebooted I get that same error but the earlier iteration (separate version) of the level that was previously said to be corrupted can now be loaded. I'll try to edit the size of the warning label as soon as I get the level to work again though. :thumbup:

    Apart from what I assume to be these isolated errors, cryengine is a blast to work in though!
  • e-freak
    mh, i've not heard about these errors yet anywhere else (but then again, its been a while since i used the freeSDK build).

    What you can definitely do is, work on Layers and set them to External in the Layer properties. That will save your scene information in human readable XML files and you can easier debug them then the cryptic CRY files.
  • MikeGalli
    This turned out really well! I love the composition with the lighting. I am working on my first CE3 project myself. Hopefully mine turns out this well! :p
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    very mass effect i love simplistic designs like this
  • Spitfire
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    smoking hot. Could you give us some insight in your workflow ?
  • Erik Rönnblom
    I'm still learning so it's not that exotic. I blocked things out very roughly in maya, then exported most individual tiles to the engine (since you can re-export edited meshes&UVs very easily) before I had even gotten around to UV-mapping them. Then it's just a matter of polishing one tile at a time.

    Since I got continuous feedback from a few friends I've actually got some progress screenies saved:

    Simple diffuse and playing with gloss

    More tiles put into the scene

    Added cables and tried out glowmaps - also started using nDo (far too late in hindsight) Also got the tip to use fog volumes as stand-in godrays.

    The ceiling was incredibly dull, finally decided to give it some love. Also the glow on the moebious reactors (the bottom part of them have a yellow glow to them and I added a "railmesh" with a gradient (red->yellow) set to glow like crazy. The 'fence' around it is essentially just geometry with a gray material and lots of gloss (to save time)

    Cables across the floor and also a fat cable to the right to break the boring right part up. More ceiling love and my first attempt at using decals

    End result with a holoscreen and more small lights to make areas read. also color corrections and a bit of vignetting in photoshop - also where the lens flares were added. Mostly because of time constraints since I'm pretty sure those are easily achievable in cryengine

    Hopefully this can be of some assistance :)
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Looks great, love the direction you are going with the lighting.
    One question, what program are you using to bake your normal maps? :)
  • Erik Rönnblom
    photoshop and nDo 1. Some things were done with pure geometry (center floor panels are geometry for instance. Most smooth edges are korean bevels instead of normals as well.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Korean bevels? I've never heard of that phrase. How does it differ from a normal bevel.
  • Erik Rönnblom
    I'm not sure where I initially heard it from. It's an easy way to get soft edges akin to those gotten with normal maps by adding geometry close to where you want your smooth bevel and making the new 2 faces be part of it's own smoothing group (3dsmax)/ setting the edge's line to smooth edges (maya). That way it's easy to have normal maps flow between sides without it looking bad. Essentially it's a technique where you're saving time by adding geometry.

    edit: The really nice thing is that it doesn't force you to rethink your UVs or change your model apart from a few edge loops that are easily removed. It can also be done in a flash after UV-mapping/further down the road.
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Erik,
    The reason I asked about the normals is you have your Y axis facing the wrong way for the Crydev engine. (Cryengine uses -Y)
    Try taking your normal map into photoshop, go to the Channels pallette, Highlight the green channel and hit Ctrl+I. Save it out to the engine. Do a before and after pic for comparasion. Get in close to those circular details, you'll see what I mean.
    I haven't used NDO1 but in NDO2 in the preferences, you can flip the Y axis for your normal maps.
    The Cryengine uses -Y NOT +Y, which is the default for most graphic programs.
    It's looking great BTW. :)
  • Kharn
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    Kharn polycounter lvl 8
    Out of interest whats the advantage of this korean bevel over just a bevel and custom normals ?CustomNormals.jpg
  • Erik Rönnblom
    I'm not very experienced with 3d compared to most peeps on here but the way I've gotten it explained to me: speed. It's a completely non-committal way to add bevels to your geometry. It doesn't change any silhouette or UV:s and lets you avoid sharp edges on objects. It can be easily removed or added in seconds (in maya you just add 2 edge loops, make them hard edged and the actual edge soft edged). Also makes it easier to integrate your geometry with the rest of the scene while still being able to non-destructively add or remove bevels instantly. Does cost more a smidge more tris in the long run but when you don't have to optimize TOO much it's a great tool.


    Adding that bevel took me all of 2 seconds, which isn't necessarily that much of a timesaver when the mesh is this simplistic, but when you've got more advanced meshes this method (I believe) could be way faster since you're not messing with anything other than extra non-geometry.

    @Zepic: Gonna try this as soon as I can find the time, thanks :thumbup:
  • Erik Rönnblom
    Addendum: one of my pals told me that it's a good way to get smooth edges on corners with tileable textures that'll be right in the player's face - it saves a lot of time that'd have to be spent baking normals and assigning unique UV-space to corners.

    For example: You've got a pillar that's just using simple geometry and a tileable brick texture that's used elsewhere in the scene. If the player can walk up close to it you save both time and textures by simply adding edges to the corners of the pillar. You've got a nice, non-destructive bevel whose roundness is controllable with the distance between the edge and the two supporting edges)
    pictured is the same technique twice but with different spacing between edges.

    Spitfire touches on it in this thread:
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the tips Erik,
    Never heard of this before.
    I do wonder; why are they called Korean bevels? What's so Korean about them?
  • Erik Rönnblom
    I think it was originally because someone outsourced some modeling to Korea and instead of normals they did a "cheat" like this. It turned out to actually be ingenious though :D
  • ZeroStrike
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    ZeroStrike polycounter lvl 8
    Wow thanks for the breakdown. Great turn out. I differently learned a thing or two for pushing my own work some.
  • KennyTies
    Man this is awesome and your door panel makes so much sense. I sat here and thought why didnt I think of that to just extruded it out and cover it with panels. I am going to do that from now on. Awesome work.
  • LiquidSpacie
    Thank you for that bevel method. Finally got it working. Thanks. Could you please show some of the normals you've used ex. ciling/wall? Many thanks! :)
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Zepic wrote: »
    I do wonder; why are they called Korean bevels? What's so Korean about them?

    Have you never heard of that famous saying?

    Confucius says: "He that would perfect his work, must first sharpen his Bevel."
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