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Yoko - Gurren Lagann

polycounter lvl 8
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sefice polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys, just recently started to get posting some work here. I'm a Digital Arts student and I'm still learning, so bear with me. :)

This is a personal character project I am working on; Yoko from the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Hope I can do her justice.

I started directly in dynamesh, that explains the horrid hands hehe.. For the face, I didn't want a full-on anime look. I'm leaning towards a more final-fantasy kind of look which gives a nice balance of realism and stylization. feedback is greatly appreciated, cheers!




  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    mmm, this is relevant to my interests...
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8

    Hands and Body Tweaks!

  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    keep it going ill be on the look out for this.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Oh man as a fan of anime i'll be subbing this. Looks like a great start sefice. Only feel like her boobs are on the small side a bit compared to everything i've seen in the show itself (could be the angle or just me though). Love it for the rest and looking forward to your next update.

    ps. aint this sora from kingdom hearts??
  • BobtheGreatII
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    BobtheGreatII polygon
    Pretty sure it's probably a reference for anime style eyes on a 3D Model and has nothing to do with the character.

    This is looking pretty sweet. I'll be watching for sure.
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    HardBaller wrote: »
    ps. aint this sora from kingdom hearts??

    BobtheGreatII is right. KH pics for the face. It's the look that I was going for. I've always adored Tetsuya Nomura's style ever since I got my hands on the game.

    Thanks for checking it out guys! Noted on the boobs. :P

    More updates coming soon.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    yoko rocks! great subject but its gonna be really tricky to get her proportions right - fairly large head(forehead seems to be as wide as her waist?) and seriously big hair, tiny waist and strong long legs!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth

    I believe in you Sefice! Believe in the me that believes in you!

    I think she's almost a bit too realistically proportioned at this point, making her seem a bit taller? I think it's the head size?
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    Sorry double post, ignore this.
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    Downloaded some amazing matcaps that will greatly improve the look of your sculpt. Powerful stuff created by Zbro_z (I think).

    Luckilytip Blogspot

    Check out those awesome matcaps!!
    Those knees!! OwO

    Well, started doing the clothes but I'm thinking of retopologizing the body first before I go making the stockings and armband. I want to keep their topology relatively the same with the body for skinning.

    And here's a time lapse of the process. Nothing fancy. Just thought I'd share.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkuv1B9EhSI"]Time Lapse - Yoko Gurren Lagann - 3 Clothes - YouTube[/ame]

    I noticed she does seem taller. I'm going to try resizing the head and/or the torso. Thanks!
  • C86G
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    C86G greentooth
    I really love the head + hair!
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    yeah really nice work, i love the head and hair :D
    anime style eyes are always a huge challenge for me but you rocked it

    I know a lot is going to be covered up with her long glove, but i think spending a little extra time on the arms would be a good idea to get each mass to flow more naturally into eachother. (how/where the bicep flows into the elbow, how the inner elbow and forearm look in this pose, how the wrist flows into the hand etc)

    i also think you could work up the belly button a little and the form of the abdomen going up to the ribs
    looks awesome though, keep it up :)
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm keep going.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Love how you're going on this sefice. Looking really good so far. Love the hair and the eyes to. But it just feels like her face is to realistic. idk it could be just me. Just a feeling u know. Maybe it's just that she's not smiling (yet) that makes the difference. Like i said, it's a feeling so idk.
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    yeah really nice work, i love the head and hair :D
    anime style eyes are always a huge challenge for me but you rocked it

    I know a lot is going to be covered up with her long glove, but i think spending a little extra time on the arms would be a good idea to get each mass to flow more naturally into eachother. (how/where the bicep flows into the elbow, how the inner elbow and forearm look in this pose, how the wrist flows into the hand etc)

    i also think you could work up the belly button a little and the form of the abdomen going up to the ribs
    looks awesome though, keep it up :)

    Wow! I didn't realize until now that you're SupremeFunk on Youtube! I actually got the matcaps from one of your vids and they have been a major influence in my work. You have my sincere gratitude. And I love your work on Dizzy!

    Anyway, yeah I'm kind of dissatisfied with the way the arm looks and it feels harder to do than every other part, being thinner and all. I'll definitely spend more time in there. Thanks again! :)
  • AlphaMeow
    Need more muffin where the clothing meets the body.
  • Attila
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    Attila polycounter lvl 8
    Excellent face! Anime qualities without disregarding anatomy is hard to do.

    It would seem that she has a little more belly in the ref than your model has, no?
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    AlphaMeow wrote: »
    Need more muffin where the clothing meets the body.

    Haha, I will definitely add those in ;) just have to finish the clothes.
    Atilla wrote:
    Excellent face! Anime qualities without disregarding anatomy is hard to do.

    It would seem that she has a little more belly in the ref than your model has, no?

    Thanks! I had great references (i.e. Kingdom Hearts). Working on the tweaks now. :)
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8

    -Resized the bangs and tweaked the shape.
    -Adjusted the torso so now it is shorter.
    -Completely redid the 'sideburns'
    -Defined the arms a bit.
    -Defined the abdomen.
    -Adjusted the shape of the scarf according to the reference.
    -Added gloves and skull clip.

    Need critiques on the physique so I can finalize it. I think shes looking more 'Yoko' now.

    Face Close Up:

    Other Mat:

    Oh and have any of you guys come across this error while saving a subtool? ZBrush tells me "unable to OffLine a memory" or something and won't allow me to save. Did a search on it, no solutions yet. I'm using the latest update by the way, ZBrush 4R4 P2. This only happens if I import the hair pins I did really quick on Maya. Deleting that subtool allowed me to save again. No idea why it would cause a memory error since it has incredibly simple topology. (just scaled a cube).
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Well I gotta say your work progress is coming alone nicely. As for you problem with the saving. try exporting the subtool through GoZ or just general export and delete the subtool and save it. Then import the that subtool back in. But if its a simple tool you could just use the one zbrush provides.

    As for you model I think it's about time to start adding simple muscle groups (especially the legs and arms). Make sure to keep them stuble though so they come into play when it moves in the light.

    Also looking at your model and then the ref images I think the head could still be a little larger in size and wider. Other than that, keep at it.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Great progress sefice. And seeing the face up close now i take back anything i said about it. She's starting to look amazing. Though i do agree with Di$array. The head should/could be a bit bigger to really get that anime style on it. Looking forward to seeing your next update :).
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the feedback guys! Keep em coming.

    Another update:

    -Added in missing pieces: boots, wrist-things, and belt
    Did the base meshes in maya this time.

    I will continue to tweak her and add in more fine details before I finally resurface her. I'm going mid-high res on her, that'll hopefully make her look good on close-ups.

    Oh does anyone know any good real-time shaders for Maya? or any shaders at all? I've been using the default all my life and it'd be nice to try something new.

    Anyway, pics.


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    great progress, she seems almost like a real person rather than manga/anime proportions in some ways is that intentional? for example the legs could be quite a bit longer and the torso more curve and the head a little bigger etc
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I rike her lots!
  • sefice
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    sefice polycounter lvl 8
    Ged wrote: »
    great progress, she seems almost like a real person rather than manga/anime proportions in some ways is that intentional? for example the legs could be quite a bit longer and the torso more curve and the head a little bigger etc

    Trying to keep along the lines of the 'final-fantasy' style. But I'll see what I can do to stretch it a bit further. Thanks!
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