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Going to build a new computer... What would you recommend??

polycounter lvl 16
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shinobix polycounter lvl 16
Hey Guys,
I am going to start working on a new portfolio over the winter in my spare time. Issue is... My current computer is way underpowered... Its vintage 2003!

I'm going to be building a new computer from scratch and am curious to know what you guys would recommend?? My budget is $1500.00 Canadian, so that's roughly $1508.47 American (Yes our dollar value is almost at par now).

I haven't really dived in yet to see what specifics I'd like, but I do know that I'd like this computer to last for at least 4 years.



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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Well $1500 can get you a pretty fancy ass machine these days. First thing to get in order is a list of what you need, do you need everything? Or do you already have a monitor setup, mouse and keyboard, audio, ect. After you get a list just start researching prices and benchmarks for different hardware at a site like Tomshardware.
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    I've currently got 2 21 inch monitors, they're not the best in the world, but I'm happy with them for now. I've also got a large Wacom tablet, mouse, keyboard, speakers, and stuff. Its mostly the tower and what will go inside it that I'll be shopping for. I'd LOVE to get a Cintiq... But my fiance would flip is she saw me spending that kind of money on what she defines as a 'toy'. Haha.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I would say at least 16g ram.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    You can basically get whatever you want then with $1500 to spend on the tower alone lol. 3rd generation Intel i7, 16-32gb of ram, and an nvidia 670 or 680. You might be able to squeeze in a solid state HDD which make everything load super fast.

    My only major recommendation would be to get Windows 7 instead of 8 because the UI sucks for desktops. Also make sure to spend the money on a decent case and PSU, because for some reason I always see people go dirt cheap on those things and it bites them in the ass later.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Actually win8 might be worth considering for the performance benefits - but it's such a personal choice you're best to research it yourself. Corsair or Seasonic are good brands for psu's.
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    I recommend posting up your build specs to this sub-reddit:

    There are tons of computer nerds on there who will look over your specs and give you recommendations on price and performance.
    Also, with 1500, you should be able to build a pretty awesome machine.

    About Windows 8, I heard Microsoft is doing something where they won't release DX12 on Windows 7 (or something along those lines).
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Zepic wrote: »
    I recommend posting up your build specs to this sub-reddit:

    There are tons of computer nerds on there who will look over your specs and give you recommendations on price and performance.
    Also, with 1500, you should be able to build a pretty awesome machine.

    About Windows 8, I heard Microsoft is doing something where they won't release DX12 on Windows 7 (or something along those lines).

    DirectX 12 isn't a thing yet, but I think you are talking about DX 11.1 which was reported to be exclusive to Windows 8. However Microsoft jumped back and said it will be coming to Windows 7. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Service-Pack-1-Windows-7-DirectX-11.1-Runtime-Chuck-Walbourn,19135.html
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Spend 1100-1200 with a strong CPU and enough ram plus a GPU good for the next 2 years, then spend the remaining 300-400 on a new GPU once the next-gen consoles have landed and given the PC market a bit of a push.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    BARDLER wrote: »
    My only major recommendation would be to get Windows 7 instead of 8 because the UI sucks for desktops.

    This is not true at all. In fact, it's the exact opposite, I run Windows 8 on a triple monitor desktop, not only does it make things easier, I find it to be a much smoother and more reliable experience.

    I have a taskbar on every monitor, making things much more simple to navigate, futhermore, the only time you'll use metro is if you pin things to it, you will see it for .5 seconds at boot. Other than that it's much faster, has better features and is great for gaming and workstations.

    I get really irritated with people saying this and thinking OMG METRO IZ WINDERSSS.
    No, it's not. Use it for a month and you'll find it's great, I mean you can even use it like the start menu and if you right click the corner where the start button was it gives you a major list of computer options. Left clicking brings up the start screen. Not that you need it.

    Another plus is that the beta versions still work fine so you can have an OS for free.
    I run all my steam games and all my 3d apps and everything in a regular desktop environment.

    Also, if you can get stuff off newegg, they have great video card deals.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    This is not true at all. In fact, it's the exact opposite, I run Windows 8 on a triple monitor desktop, not only does it make things easier, I find it to be a much smoother and more reliable experience.

    I have a taskbar on every monitor, making things much more simple to navigate, futhermore, the only time you'll use metro is if you pin things to it, you will see it for .5 seconds at boot. Other than that it's much faster, has better features and is great for gaming and workstations.

    I get really irritated with people saying this and thinking OMG METRO IZ WINDERSSS.
    No, it's not. Use it for a month and you'll find it's great, I mean you can even use it like the start menu and if you right click the corner where the start button was it gives you a major list of computer options. Left clicking brings up the start screen. Not that you need it.

    Another plus is that the beta versions still work fine so you can have an OS for free.
    I run all my steam games and all my 3d apps and everything in a regular desktop environment.

    Also, if you can get stuff off newegg, they have great video card deals.

    I used it for a month with the RC, I stand behind what I said. Win8 is a great tablet/touchscreen OS, but is shit for desktop users.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    BARDLER wrote: »
    I used it for a month with the RC, I stand behind what I said. Win8 is a great tablet/touchscreen OS, but is shit for desktop users.
    If you use metro, yes, but don't use it then.
    If you don't use it, it's great for workstations.

    And I'm glad you at least gave it a try. I think OP should try them both.
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