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From Fine Art to Computer Game

quad damage
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littleclaude quad damage
I just thought I would start a thread on Art History that looks like a computer game, call me an old fart I know!

So could you post any imagery from Art History that inspires you.

Could you also post any images that you think look a bit like they could have been made for a computer game.

For example I think Grimshaw's work could have been made for Gears of War.
Name - John Atkinson Grimshaw,(6 September 1836 – 13 October 1893 Victorian artist
Website - http://www.johnatkinsongrimshaw.org/



edmund blair leighton, (21 September 1852 – died 1 September 1922) - https://www.google.c...UMuau0QXqiIDgBQ


john william waterhouse (6 April 1849; died 10 February 1917)- https://www.google.c...iw=1149&bih=620


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