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Character Portfolio Piece - Critique Appreciated.

Hi guys,

Was originally a full model; but due to feedback rebooting aload of the mesh. So im starting on the face - then the clothes etc until i'm happy its up to standard of a portfolio piece...

Quick Update:


Any Critique would be greatly appreciated; and please don't just tell me what but how aswell as this would be beneficial and more understanding!


  • Lizzard4000
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    Lizzard4000 polycounter lvl 7
    Eyes and ears need more definition, arms and hands are nice!
    good luck
  • Lost Artist
  • Lost Artist
    I need to bring the crotch up after viewing with fresh eyes.
  • Lost Artist
    No one willing to give feedback :\
  • Drywall
    The character doesn't have very much definition right now, so it's hard to give feedback. You're going too early into high poly, before defining the basic shape of his anatomy or face. I think that's why no one is saying anything; you need to just keep working on making him into someone.
  • Lost Artist
    Cheers for the reply,

    I understand what you mean, he's lacking identity and form At the moment,

    I will work on that and his clothes, maybe a few accessories to actually make this more of a character then a feel of a general nothing lol.

    Cheers though I appreciate it greatly pal :)
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    cloth is very distracting. better off keeping everything clean and defined.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    I gotta be honest with you, it's not getting a lot of feedback b/c its mostly not an interesting piece. You still have a lot to learn when it comes to form, mass, bone structure, proportions, folds, hair, etc.
    The head looks overly too smooth, the ears especially, the eye shape needs work, the sternomastoid of the neck is too narrow, the forehead is too short, the mouth doesnt seem like its got musculature around it, jawline is lacking...

    then you went straight to detailing of the jacket, and yet the form still needs work. the collar is wrong, look up references. just dont half ass the modeling, do it right, otherwise people will call you out on it. the pockets should look like they are separate and NOT inflated from the jacket, which im guessing is leather. look up refs again of stitching and just clothes in general. the folds on the arms needs mroe love and its about contrast too. dont over do the wrinkles. hands need work. the back of the jacket has no wrinkles...have you seen leather jackets? theyre wrinkly/folds all over. also arms are too short

    the pants are also weird, it lacks seams and stiching. the crotch area is too tall. there should be more folds on the back of the knees and the ankles. if you can, look at your pants while standing up in front of the mirror and see the way the folds bunches up on your body.

    dont take this personally, these are all i see on your sculpt, and you asked for feedback so here it is. good luck
  • Lost Artist
    No I agree. I wish I had spent more time on it, just been rushing due to uni deadlines :)

    Ideally would you say to go back to the face and fix the proportions, then once finished move back to the clothing?

    I definitely agree on the trousers - they're terrible, and I'll go back and fix the jacket. - reason for no folds one the back was due to a rucksack im about to place on :)

    Any tips you can give to rectify the situatio/points you've noted would be great :)
  • Lost Artist
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    Post the reference you're using for the head.
  • Port-Seven
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    Port-Seven polycounter lvl 7
    You could pop in a couple of spheres for the eyeballs to better define the eye lids and get a general feel of how the skin fits around the eye ball. It's all looking very smooth right now, particularly the upper eye lid area. The DamStandard brush is a nice brush for cutting into your mesh to begin to define folds and creases. The hair line also blends in too softly to the forehead. Look at your own forehead - your hair doesn't gradually ooze out of your skin. Sharpen this area up. Start to build up a bigger pile of reference. Finds lips that you like, eyes, the nose, ears, facial structure, and sculpt directly from your reference.

    Overall I think the biggest issue is lack of character. Who is this guy? Hero, villain? How old? What kind of life style? Who are you trying to portray here? Punch those features out that define who this character is going to be - a strong jaw line, beady eyes, heavy cheek bones, a classic scar through the eye. Make him look interesting enough to capture someone's attention. You want people to ask "Who is this guy?" not because they're confused and he's ill defined, but because they want to know more about him.
  • Lost Artist
    Cheers for the comments guys,

    My zbrush just crashed.... so i've lost the latest update i posted; annoying but its a learning experience, I'm going to go back and do as you've all suggested; a quick drawover and what makes him a character before then defining it...

    At the moment im just sculpting via different images... from Jeremy Renner to 3DSK model and Nathan Drake lookalikes :P
  • Port-Seven
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    Port-Seven polycounter lvl 7

    At the moment im just sculpting via different images... from Jeremy Renner to 3DSK model and Nathan Drake lookalikes :P

    That's probably why he looks so average and plain, he's like a mix of everyone without having solid defining features. If you're hopping back and forth from one actor/model/reference to another and taking a little of everything without being specific about what it is in particular you want from each reference, you can end up blending everything together and getting nothing that really jumps out.

    Writing out a brief background of your character can also help. Not necessary, but the more you know about your guy helps in so many different ways. It makes you more aware of what you're adding to your character for a reason. Everything should have a reason for being there. The more effort you put in to figuring out who your character is the cooler he'll probably end up being. :)
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