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Condemned Hospital (Very Early Stage WIP)

polycounter lvl 7
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djoexe polycounter lvl 7
Hi, i'm currently working on my second project in UDK wich take place in an abandoned-like Hospital of some kind. Here are few shots of my current progress.

Everything can be subject to change, so feel free to suggest some interesting ideas.



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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    The tiles all have weird scaling to them. The ceiling tiles look a tad to big, the wall tiles are way to big, and the floor looks like bricks to be honest and probably should be square, or at least defined better texture wise.

    The depth of field and lens flare is overkill, and is blowing everything out to the point I can't even see whats going on more than 10 feet in front of me. Tone that down a lot, if not turn it off completely since it is an indoor scene.

    You should focus more on how materials and geometry transition into one another. For instance the ceiling would have a border edge around it where it meets the wall. Same goes for where the floor meets the wall, there would be some type of border or trim so transition it. That sky light or hole in the ceiling is the last image you posted is the most noticeable since it cuts completely through all the tiles.

    Keep going, good luck.
  • Stinkhorse
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    Stinkhorse polycounter lvl 12
    That's a lot of very bright lights for a 'condemned' facility.
  • Eleanorlamb
    This looks very nice, you could improve your lighting a bit, but I like the detail a lot.
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9

    a bit much....
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Change the art direction from scratch to be more dirty and less gore.


    I got a couple of lightmap error...will fix theme tomorrow and start adding wall support to break up the scene and add some random stuff on the ground. Let mw know your thoughts on this new direction I chose from this reference.

  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Small update

    -Fixed Lightmap error for walls
    -Add Corridor frame
    -Tweak the lighting
    -Add empty room at the end of corridor to prepare my main focus.


    Tommorow will do

    -Ceilling with different material (tiles that fall appart)
    -Floor, probably concrete with various scrap

    PS: Sorry to show the same spot all over again with minor changes...i'm lacking of time these days.
  • AtlusZMH
    You showed me this on my stream, Just wanted to drop in and say I think it looks a lot better with the changes.

    New color scheme makes it look much more realistic and grounded

    Keep it up!
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Update 31 october

    -Fill End room with static mesh...considering to make more later, looks too much re-used
    -Tweak the lighting a bit
    -Add UDK vegetation to see how it feels before making my own
    -Add dirt/scrap spot on the sides of the walls
    -Changed the material on the floor
    -Added couple of decals
    -Tried to add tesselation to my brick walls, but without success

    Couple of shots here !

    Any advices are welcome
  • TheRealFroman
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    TheRealFroman polycounter lvl 11
    Looks much better dude. Although I'd say the roots you've shown in the top down image were a bit too green if you know what I'm saying. Would be cool if they were to appear more wood like, and covered in bark with less moss. Also, maybe try to monkey with the rays of light you see coming down from that hole in the ceiling. From the last shot you displayed, it would seem cooler if it were to be coming down in streaks of light, rather than just one large blob. Here's a screen showing what I mean http://www.udk.com/elements/img/Oct2011-Siris_MilleniumHall.jpg

    Another thing, you have some props that convey the setting of a hospital, but some of the textures dont seem to be having the same effect. I personally don't know of any hospitals, new or old, that have all cement walls, floors, and ceilings. Gather up your refs, and try to make somethings that fits a more realistic portrait so viewers will have a better idea of what they are looking at, and dont need the name of the title to explain it for them.

    Another thing! :P in the second to last picture down, you have the room entrance module placed away from the walls, and so light is bleeding through the crack at the top. Not cool! Fix that. Along with the placement of your other objects too. Some are literally inside walls and doors within those images you've shown.

    Anyway keep working on it, seems to be getting better as you move along :)
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Update November 1

    -Add Ceilling variation
    -Add a complete new corridor...to break the linearity
    -Changed the floor material...but it doesn't fit with the walls anymore
    (I'm thinking of changing the walls material to something less scraped and a bit more vibrant color wise, to fit the floor
    ***Color is not the same in both corridor...will fix it tomorrow

    Some shots
  • AtlusZMH
    I think your walls are starting to look a bit too much like stone or bricks. Maybe you could push the torn wallpaper bits a bit more, make them less of that brown color and maybe more white to contrast the broken up walls behind them. Right now the whole thing almost looks like some old ruins or a mine with hospital props in it.

    Good luck!
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Update : Redone from scratch....again


    More to come as always...when I get some free time :D
  • Serial Lens
    Big improvement, the second image is looking fairly solid - there is a lot of visual interest and variety. My biggest crit is that the wet looking texture on the top and bottom of the door is confusing me. Also, the lens flare seems out of place for that type of light.

    In the other images I think you should turn down the bloom a lot.

    Also, it seems like you have a tendency to use large stretches of one texture without variation. I think you need more small meshes (like fire extinguishers, chalkboards, alarms, picture frames, etc) to break up the texture on the walls. These props can also go a long way towards covering up those lightmap seams you have. Also, try vertex painting some leaking or wallpaper damage on parts of the walls to add points of visual interest.

    Finally, the plants feel too bright green to me, like they're not being lit by the same light as everything else.

    Keep it up, but decide on a direction and stick with it.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Note takken, I'll stick to this direction, thats my final choice...little bit tired of doing stuff and trow it back in the garbage. I will make those meshes you're talking about, and I was going to make them because of the obvious lack of varitions on walls. But I don't know if i'm going to stay clean on that one or go for dirty stuff and leak on walls etc...

    My main point on that scene is the vegetation taking over that corridor. For now there is no moss, small plants and trees anywhere because I want to make sure everything is solid before adding deco.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    UPDATE November 19th
    Try for vines and Ivys
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Those are very nice vines. That last image is good in general.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    does someone know how to change my main thread name...because it is not a very early stage anymore. ?
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Some debris, wooden plank, concrete chunk added
    Pipes are NOT final, onlt there for blockout for now and not proper texture on them
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