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Market Scene UDK

polycounter lvl 7
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bassmatt00 polycounter lvl 7
Hi guys! I haven't posted up anything in a while so here's a little something for the interwebs to critique.

This is a small market scene that is supposed to be less than 5000 original tris and a total of 1024x1024 texture sheet that I can break up however I want.

I did make use of some vertex painting inside UDK for the first time with this one.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!



  • nedwork
    Is there a reason why you limit yourself with 5k tris and 1 1024? I feel this scene has a very good start. If you can add more props to the scene, making it not so empty. Textures seem not working very well in this scene. The metal panel textures are way too noisy. The repetitive of the wall texture is do obvious. The blend textures on the ground don't seem to work well together. I like the stone texture btw.
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