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3DS Max - Normal Bend to Target Mesh

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
Hey to all the intelligent peeps at PC,

Quick question, anyone knows a script, plugin, or anything that is free that can allow me to 'bend' the edges of a mesh, so that they look connected to a another floating piece of mesh? Basically a smooth tangent bend?

An example of what I mean is usually the MMO setup of bending the Normals around the Neck seam OR the face, so that the two look connected for different faces on different bodies.

Or the bending of the normals of a plane, such as for leaves or grass on a ground mesh.



  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    The edit normal modifier is pretty much what you're looking for. Check the help files, but you can manually rotate each vertex normals, align normals between different objects...
    Blue normals are the default ones, affected by the smoothing groups, the green normals are the edited ones (or "explicit") thus not anymore affected by smoothing groups.
  • Norman3D
    Offline / Send Message
    Norman3D polycounter lvl 14
    In your specific example you would just have to select both meshes and add the "Edit Normals modifier".
    After that you can either select both normals and click on Average "Selected".
    Or select just one of them click "Copy Value", select the other one and click "Paste Value".
    Finally collapse the modifier.
  • Ace-Angel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys, sorry for the late reply!

    Yes, the Edit Normal is exactly what I hoped for, cheers!

    Norman, is there a specific 'trick' or path I need to take to enable 'Copy' and 'Paste' functions? No matter what I tried, with any setup, the Copy and Paste value buttons are always greyed out for some reason. (Max 2009 bug maybe?)
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