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World war 3 on the way?

I fear f world war 3, that will happen very soon. I keep reading news about Iran nuclear weapon, the dude that was killed in Syria, 1-2 weeks ago, the Muslim film, that makes all Muslim protest against USA.


  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Whelp this will get locked in about three minutes, so let me just say now, you really can't put this all on Muslims. It's the jews that keep stirring shit as far as I can see. American or 'Israeli', doesn't really matter.

    Which reminds me, has that complete tool that released that 'movie' recently been killed/stabbed/blown up yet? Seems to me that he seems to be asking for it; think of that poor Danish newspaper cartoonist, he just drew a single panel featuring Mohhamed and got killed over it; this guy made a 15 minute movie that cost $5 million. I got about a minute into it but that blatantly racist anti-muslim pro-jewish bullshit made my skin crawl.
  • zicoV
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    Just to correct you Andreas the danish comic artist that drew Muhammed didn't get killed, some guy with an axe just broke into his house.

    I havn't seen the movie you're talking about but it seems to me that it is total bullshit and made by some douchebag entirely to piss of muslims. It has definetly upset alot of people but I would not fear a world war 3 any time soon.
  • Visceral
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    People beeing afraid of shit like this is the real problem in the world. Seriously turn off Fox and talk to some muslims.

    I live in Sweden and the majority of all the muslims here is whats called secular muslims, basicly normal people, according to the people i talk to they say just like American christaians that theese small gatherings of extremist muslims dosnt represent the religion as a whole.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    A World War might fix the world reccession. Then it might not. With all the interconnectedness of the world, supply and trade lines, and flows of money. I doubt a world war would happen it would not be profitably for many people. Western countries might have trouble getting access to the food, basic resources they need from Africa and other countries. Maybe a few small skirmish's though.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Christianity is always made fun of and you either laugh or just ignore it.

    Make fun of Islam and they get all butthurt and people have to die. I wish they stopped living in the crusades.
  • WarrenM
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    Not to spark too much of a flame here, but Christianity hardly gets a pass in the violence and killing department.
  • Mohamed Rotab
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    Mohamed Rotab polycounter lvl 11
    It's really funny you are talking about the Iranian nuclear power which still not even confirmed ... you know like USA did before to Iraq ... Destroyed a FULL COUNTRY ... around 1.5 Million civilians are dead ... Majority are from women and children ... and putting the country on civilian war that only god knows when it will end ..

    OH and on the other hand you don't speak about Israel .. and its already confirmed and known nuclear arsenal ... you don't talk about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians killed over the last 60 years and still being killed each day .

    Stop judging and talking about the middle east just by watching CNN and BBC and some random jumbo mumbo voodoo crazy extremists videos on YouTube ..
    Know the true history .. know who is the real source of terrorism in the area
    If you want to know the middle east then come to us or listen from one of us ..

    The following image is just summarize the whole bullshit happening in the middle east .

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