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My project for my senior project class is Red Riding Hood vs a werewolf. This piece is inspired by the new comic book series called the age of the wolf.
So far I am finishing the re-work of Red's face before I retopologize her again. I have also sculpted and polypainted a wall that will be in the background, I am retoplogizing it right now.
The low poly you see down there is still a WIP, it has base textures, the face is a place holder, and everything needs to be brought up in polycount since it is a portfolio piece I will use more tris.


  • pablohurtado
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    Please any crits are welcomed.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Do you have a reference for that sideview? it looks really off, the front works way better - but also dependent on how close you want to go with your reference, there is still quite some work to be done. For the character screenshot, try using a less large fov, its stretching your model like crazy.
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Looks like the character is stretched, maybe it's the FOV ?
  • pablohurtado
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    Thanks for all the critiques. Right now I am posting my progress on the werewolf. This is the stage before I add the fur. Any suggestions before i advance? Also, Does it look better with the ripped shirt or without? Thanks.werewolf_wip_2.jpg
  • pablohurtado
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    Critiques, anyone?
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I think it's pretty good. The pants seem very thick, especially for fabric that follows the muscles the way they do. Also the vertebrae look very unbelievable, more like hard-edged sphere implants than anything organic. I think this is because they are flat on top and very well defined circles, and also because they are so far between. Actual vertebrae stack on each other to protect the nerve column, and are therefore closer together.

    Good work though, really.
  • pablohurtado
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    ysalex: Thanks for the critique, I will definitely make the pants thinner, I really don't know how I could leave so many gaps in the spine but that's why it is always good to have fresh eyes looking at your project. Thanks again.

    But does the shirt work?
  • pablohurtado
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    Here I did some environment work. I re-worked the bricks and finally sculpted the floor tiles. Critiques are welcomed.
  • Jigsaw
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    Jigsaw polycounter lvl 12
    Love the design of the werewolf, he looks really cool. As for the ripped shirt, I think it's a great idea, but it'd need a lot of work. Right now the shirt looks incredibly thick and lumpy, it looks more like something slimy and organic than ripped fabric. So while I dig the idea behind it, unless you improve and rework the shirt I think he looks much better without it. If you can clean it up and make it look better though, I think it'd be a nice way to break up the symmetry of the character.
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