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[Portfolio] CY - Environment Artist / Hard Surface

Hello all

I am dedicated and eager to learn more i would appreciate some critique too get my work too a more professional standard.








  • Neonknightcy
    its been a while since my last post but i have been working on a few things i been learning some more zbrush which has helped a lot.

    Any crits are welcome!
  • nathanbarrett
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    nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
    Hey man, I feel your pain! I'm a graduate too and getting a job in this industry is proving to be rather impossible!

    Your pier scene is cool, the screenshots initially looked like they lacked a lot of atmosphere (I was going to suggest adding some fog), but after watching your show reel, the DOF gives it enough atmosphere. Your props in this scene are really cool.

    Your hard surface stuff looks good but that's not really my forte. I think posting some wireframes will help the more advanced hard-surface-ers on here rate your topology etc.

    Also, those screens from Marmoset.. You realise you can save the screen shot with F12? You don't have to print screen :)
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Hey your stuff looks good some things i would like to point out that i think is that the distortion on the glass of the car is overdone don't think its any car that have that kind of glass not even old ones, try some weak color with maybe some dirt, shiny and reflective to make it look like glass. And the pier looks good but the sand looks very plain and boring try to add some detail and add some stuff to break up the pattern of the tiling.
  • Neonknightcy
    Cheers for the crit guys and yeah i should have F12 ^^ i have some wireframe shots now though.
    S_ource I would have to agree but the one problem is that marmoset does not do glass so i had to find an alternative way but it looks a lot better in udk. The sand is actually a pebble texture and yes it does look extremely tiled and needs to be broken up a lot more.
  • RogerP
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    RogerP polycounter
    This is looking pretty good, only thing bothering me is the sand on the beach being painfully tiled :( but that should be an easy fix....keep up the good work and don't get discouraged while looking for a job ;)
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Hey Chris, Technically your work looks sound and as long as you keep working at it you'll keep improving. Keep looking for critiques and making progress.

    What i think your work is lacking is story. Whats going on in these scenes or with your props where have they been who owns them how are they used and why?

    I like your Pier scene but it has no story at the moment. The screen shots your showing make it look very drab and boring. I think lighting may be at fault too. I don't think it showcases your work very well.

    I think you should show off this scene with three different story ideas in mind. Show it in three different times of day/night or seasons. Whats does this Pier look like in mid day summer when people are out to enjoy a day in the sun.

    At the moment your pier scene gives me a feeling of something sad or dramatic happening like i would see in LA Noir and I'd be investigating some kind of crime that's taken place. I think that's mainly the lighting and sky that gives it that feeling that mood. The props and dressing don't reflect anything other than closing up for the night. No story at all really.

    You should try to apply story to the desert scene and rocks as well the game Journey comes to mind where they told a story through environments in a desert.

    Also your van could have a story to it as well who owns it drives it and why?

    I feel like I'm beating a dead horse now but hopefully it helps. Keep on working hope to see more.
  • nathanbarrett
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    nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
    I totally agree with Wilex, it's always good to give your environment story, because no environment in a game world is there incidentally. Especially regarding trying to get a job as an environment designer/artist, you'll need to demonstrate you can not only model and put together environments (which you clearly can), but that you can also string in characters, mood, back story, and give clues on events that have happened in the environment.

    There is A LOT of stuff out there on the internet about environmental storytelling, I researched it a whole lot while doing my University dissertation. It's a really fascinating subject to research and practice. Bioshock is a game which does this AMAZINGLY
  • Neonknightcy
    I have been working on a building for a day it has taken around 9 hours with a timer to low poly model and basic high poly.p08jX.jpg?1
    @Cuban I will keep tweaking don't worry i will keep working hard. =]

    @wilex and nathanbarrent Yeah i understand what you mean environments need to tell a story i would agree that it needs a lot more work and i will be looking to make the environment look full and more interesting.

    This was my teams final year film https://vimeo.com/42820974 The shots were mainly used for the dialog to build up to the point where the fighting kicked off its still quite rough but i have been tweak it more for a better more polished short film.

    Thanks Again Guys =]
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I hope you have done that house in a modular way if so could you post the building blocks? I also recommend disabling the view cube, i know its about personal preference but i think its a better workflow to work without it. :D
  • Neonknightcy
    i have finished the bakes with total of 6 maps and yeah s_ouce here are the different parts too!
  • Neonknightcy
    Quick Building Texture Update and i have also been learning the Cryengine 3 here is a few screens.



  • Neonknightcy
    Been working on this over winter!
  • fragfest2012
    Your portfolio looks good. The one thing I would recommend is to add some work from other genres like sci-fi or fantasy, unless you want to work on realistic assets like the stuff you have made thusfar.
  • Neonknightcy
    cheers fragfest i think would be a good idea too add those genres to my showreel.
  • Neonknightcy
    Hey all its been a while since i last posted but i been working on a project for a team but had some spare time recently so i decided to model tillable sci fi corridor.

    Any feed back would be great!

    3Ds Max Render

    This is it one of the pieces baked out its both sides add up to 6,468 Polys
  • Neonknightcy
    I have been working on some other pieces over the past couple of weeks a Colt Peacemaker and my Dock Cryengine Environment.
    Looking for some crit! :)

  • Ignacio_G
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    Ignacio_G polycounter lvl 7
    Hey Neonknightcy,

    Dig the colt and the sci-fi pieces you last posted. Right now your assets on their own look solid.
    One thing I'd focus on is getting better at picking focal points with your lighting or I guess lighting in general and use that to enhance your composition. For example, that sand in the last shots would not be that bright at night, i'd tone it way down and add some kind of lightsource like maybe a bonfire that someone forgot to put out.
    I think some of this may have been lost on the transition to cryengine. Perhaps try your hand at taking a screenshot and doing a paintover or at least using adjustment layers with masks to see what you want to achieve and then adjust settings in engine to match. Think of things more as a whole and how they all work together.

    Keep going man, personally I'd pick one of your scenes, work on it to finish, then move on to the next with things you've learned from the last.
  • DWalker
    I'd reduce the contrast of the road in the beach scene, to cause it to blend better with the sand.
  • Neonknightcy
    Thanks for the crit i appreciate it =]

    @Ignacio_G yeah my lighting needs some work in that scene and a fair amount of tweaks that need to be done its very rough right now ^^ and yeah a fire is a good idea it definitely needs some more objects to fill the scene. The paint over idea to get the right colors would be handy and a good idea too do.

    Thanks and yeah i am going to keep working hard and yes need to stick too one and finish it the Sci Fi scene the Dock scene and Colt are all part of my next showreel so they all need to get done ^^

    @DWalker yes it is rather harsh at the moment and needs to be changed to blend more with the sand thanks for the spot.
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