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problem with polypainting :(

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Ok I amsorry if this sounds stupid to many of you but I am not beeing able to get the polypaint to work ...

the proces I did is the following :

I have sculpted and detailed a mesh ... ok

then I set the zbrush to rgb and switch of the add or subtract so I can paint over ....
I fill the object with a material and start painting .. I use mixed techniques of drag and drop texture or mask alpha etc ....

when I finally finish and I am satisfied with the texturing I save the tool ..

I switch off and relauch couse for some reasons the Zbrush stuck in loading ...

I reload the tool and the paint is all there ...
I switch on color on polypaint tab and then I am at the point to export ....

1 I decide to decimate first the model but when I do it looses all the paint and color I have done and switch back to a red color and material :(

2 the other time I did switch the resolution of the mesh to 1 then GUV tiles and then up again to the max subdivision this created a texture but when I set texture on , again it turns all my mesh to red loosing all the changes done till now ...

how Can I do to export my polypainted object preserving the polypaint and decimated so that zbrush doesnt crash when exporting and be able to use in xnormal?

It 's whole evening that I am trying and I can't get it to work .... not saying also that everystep I take Zbrush gets stuck in loading for some minutes ... :(


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