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Futuristic Russian Helicopter (Hind inspired)



  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
    I keep coming back to this thread. This is probably my 5th time I came to see the epicness from this thread. Absolutely LOVE IT.
  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    This is pretty epic stuff, thanks for sharing!
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    beautiful work there!

    how long did it take from start to finish?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Very nice. That UV is pretty crazy! Looks awesome.
  • Alex Pointer
    Yes, this is definitely inspiring work. I am also interested in hearing how long this took to complete. I can tell you were patient with this and it shows. awesome, is basically all I have to say.
  • Kmicic
    Mmmmmmmm delicious.
    I think Mi24 is most beautiful helicopter.
    You made him better.
    Good job. :thumbup:
  • ageless
    "Yes, this is definitely inspiring work. I am also interested in hearing how long this took to complete. I can tell you were patient with this and it shows. awesome, is basically all I have to say"

    Totally Agree with Alex Pointer on this.

    It must have taken tons of patience and self motivation to do this beast.Totally Wicked.
  • solar
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    solar polycounter lvl 18
    Inspiring work! This looks incredible, shit hot execution.
  • nkonstantino
    Stunningly beautiful!
    You could probably pass this off as an actual Russian design and sell it to the US Government.
  • lukepham101
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    lukepham101 polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome stuff! Love seeing such detailed breakdowns like this.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    yup, like a baus.
  • .polygon
    Offline / Send Message
    .polygon polycounter lvl 11
    YES!! polycount needs to make this a top page banner.
    awesome work, keep posting on here!
  • Mrskullface
    this is so savagely badass!
  • Ehsan Gamer
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    Ehsan Gamer polycounter lvl 6
    WOOOOW !

    You are good at HARD WORK .

  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    BANNER worthy i say!!!
  • BelgianBoolean
    Konstruct is right. Just brilliant.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    dang, those UVs and everything else. Banner!
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Class work all around man! I'm in awe at the level of polish demonstrated in this piece. Everything from the design to the execution is top notch. I can't wait to see more vehicles from you in the future.
  • Bee-Bee
    BenHenry, cptSwing, Drav, Ryno, Alphavader, Ravenslayer, Selaznog, Wrangler, Bek, Paul Pepera, Godzero, 3dcaspar, divi, shinobix, - Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it! :poly121:

    dpaAdam450,brandoom, - I think I stated this earlier but it took roughly 2 months from concept to completion but that doesn't include the time spent creating some texture templates that I worked off of (grime, dirt, chips,etc). I got bogged down in the sculpting once my meshes got too dense so if I had moved more towards a game production friendly route I could have shaved off 5-10 days maybe.

    JesseM, Adam - thanks guys! And thanks for the emails! kit

    luke - you can be me right now so I can take a vacation. Is that cool?

    Wretchedgoat, Enexus, - I've gotten some more requests for "making of" so I'll try to find time for that in between job searching and freelance. Especially since this community has been invaluable for me and I probably owe it a lung or two at the very least.

    Xoliul - I tried to track down some earlier versions of my textures to see if I could show you a comparison of photo vs painted but it seems like I merged a lot of those layers to save space. I'll keep digging though. Overall, I actually painted quite a lot in mudbox by hand (especially chipped paint and weathering) but definitely relied on photos for added realism (initially to establish a look then in the end to add final polish). I admit mudbox surprised me with how nice the brushes were after setting everything up. I will try to cover more of this and also show the various texture templates I relied on in the "making of" section.

    JordanW - Thanks for your constructive crit. There are some things you brought up I was anticipating more artists on here would be bothered by but maybe they just haven't posted yet or were being too nice. Regardless, I dig your work and respect your pov.
    When you say "mushy", does that apply to the final baked lowPoly or to just the hiPoly? I personally feel that a lot of hard surface game work is a bit too perfect and clean, especially for military vehicles like tanks/helis because it doesn't reflect the organic nature, weld marks, human error, etc you find when observing these things up close in real life. Having said all of that, in hindsight I feel like I went too far in certain areas and the canopy frames/beams you mentioned were probably chipped too much in mudbox.

    Your comment about the seams and bolts looking too soft is spot on. They were definitely all sculpted in and this had benefits but also drawbacks. On my first few tests I thought I could get away with this after baking down to the gameRes asset and sharpening up the normalmap a bit but the reality is, it's still not as sharp and believable as I'd hoped for. Also, I reached a point with my mbox meshes where I couldn't subdivide any further or the files became too dense. For future vehicles, I would want to use a better method here (maya and ndo2 for example).

    Another good call on the color spec. I exaggerated the metallic attributes on purpose and it was more tailored for my maya viewport captures as well as the renders afterwards, especially since I wasn't using any env map/reflections to pull in blue from the sky. To make it more realistic I should have de-saturated most of it and yes, you're right about the real life vehicles being this way.

    I'll try to respond to the rest of the comments soon and I apologize for how slow I've been but things have been a little hectic lately. I also want to re-iterate that you don't have to feel pressured to not be critical if there are elements you don't like. While I am proud of this helicopter there are definitely things I want to improve upon and address for future vehicles (or even assets in general). Maybe I can focus more on this in a small post mortem write-up for my site.
  • Yury
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    Yury polycounter lvl 8
    WOW. Excuse me for a moment, I need to pick up my jaw from the floor before I can write something else....

    Amazing work, Bee-Bee! Very cool design and great model! I'm looking forward for "making of" especially about texturing! :)

    Very inspiring.
  • D-Boy
    Your UVs are really well done. I really want to know how you approach UVing models like this. Please touch on this in your "making of" section.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    I really like the look of the diffuse in that close crop of the texture sheet. So many pretty tonal interactions.
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    So sick. Love it :D
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    shapes are killer. great work.
  • rockstar6
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    rockstar6 polycounter lvl 11
    that chopper is looking stunning, very nice work!
  • rambooze
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    rambooze polycounter lvl 7
    Simply amazing. The best reference for all on how to create a military vehicle. Thank you for the inspiration.
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    Let us know when/where you land a new job.
  • isaac64
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    isaac64 polycounter lvl 9
    awesome work....
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Awesome work, I don't really have any crits or anything it's a beautiful piece of art.
  • feathers
  • Bee-Bee
    Incoming long reply to catch up on all of the comments.

    First off, I need to give major props to Marcus Dublin - He helped me numerous times with software and workflow questions. Marcus, you rock and I still owe you one (or 10)! :thumbup:

    Jonsnow, HP, lxenonl, Brygelsmack, solar, LukePham101, MrSkullface, Ehsan, Rory, Rockstar6, Isaac64, chrisRadsby, feathers - Thanks, thanks, thanks for all the comments! :)

    polygon, konstruct, cholden - it's very flattering to me that you'd suggest that

    Joshflighter - you are going to be sick of it by the 6th visit so be careful

    Lonewolf - Around 2 months. I talked about this a little more in a prior post. By the way, I remember your weapon threads and just wanted to give you props for some high quality hard surface work. I'd be surprised if Activision hasn't come after you yet.

    AlexP, Ageless - It was a lot of work and took a lot of patience for sure but was a great experience. See above... and thanks!

    Nkonstantino - I wish I could as long as they promise to give me a free ride or two (or don't sue me when my design causes every pilot to instantly crash)

    Alberto R - Thanks dude! Dig your bio shock scene from awhile back

    BelgianBoolean - Just saw your sweet shuttle model. I need to reply to that thread

    Yury, Dboy- Thanks! I'll make a note of this when I get back to that section

    AlecM - Thanks man. That's cool that you noticed that. Some of my subtle touches get lost due to the busy-ness of the overall texture (which I'm always trying to improve)

    Foreverendering - I appreciate it! I just recently spotted your project Junebug character on CGhub. Very cool design and execution on that guy - ps go Gators!

    rambooze - you're very welcome and hopefully you aren't limiting the amount of game vehicle art you're looking at. There's a lot of great content out there from other artists to study and learn from.

    dpAdam450 - I'll be sure to do that. Currently I'm still looking for full time positions that are hard surface related including environments.
  • tyddynroger
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    tyddynroger polycounter lvl 6
    wow! great work!
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    This model is just... Too good, awesome work man :D
  • Boyso
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    Boyso polycounter lvl 7
    Hi Bee-Bee, sorry to bring your thread back from the dead, but I just had a few questions for you when you have a minute!

    -First, I'd like to know a bit more about those Mudbox VDM. I've never used them but did you make stamps out of panels that you just placed around?

    -2nd : Really love your textures, the amount of details in those scratches are mind-blowing. Did you use a gloss map at all or was it all achieved by the colored spec?

    -3rd : Are you still working on the making of, I'd love to see/hear more about it!

    Thanks in advance!
  • Ehsan Gamer
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    Ehsan Gamer polycounter lvl 6
    How much time it took to make this AWESOME ?!!

    and make learning video especially for texturing plz !
  • Bogdanbl4
  • re.wind
    That design is utter sex. i even said that out loud before typing it here.

    chapeau, kudos, amazing work here. now go bath in the praise and glory. :)
  • maverickhornet
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    maverickhornet polycounter lvl 9
    This is just insane! Wish I was this good!
  • abitterfarewell
    WOW! really nice work! your Normals and AO came out great!
    amazing job!
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    Bee-Bee wrote: »

    Lonewolf - Around 2 months. I talked about this a little more in a prior post. By the way, I remember your weapon threads and just wanted to give you props for some high quality hard surface work. I'd be surprised if Activision hasn't come after you yet.

    oh now i see that post u talked about :D

    thanx man
  • S-ed
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    S-ed polycounter lvl 10
    Great Job! It's...just insane...
    I doubt that Russians will build this vehicle, such design more specific for SyFy of Japan in mids 80-90 (look at Zentradi ships). Buuuut, I'm appreciated. =P

    p.s.: if any help with titles will be needed I'll be glad to help (i have some useful experience >_< "Выдернуть шнур, выдавить стекло")
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Just found this master piece, I can sort of see what you mean when you talk about adding some animalistic resemblance to this design in my eyes I sort of see a shark body. Very awesome design and like the rest look forward to more work and guides/tutorials you choose to put time and effort into.
  • onelung
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    onelung polycounter lvl 18
  • kw71
    I'm in shock!!! Your job is amazing, Bee-Bee!!!

    Did you actually have modeled the rivets on the surface, are they painted or is a mix of both techniques?

    Is a beautifull design. Congratulations!
  • vlek2903
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    vlek2903 polycounter lvl 5
  • nathanbarrett
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    nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
    That texture map hurts my head. MAD props to you for this work. Stunning.
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Very good stuff, Impressive is beyond a correct adjective for me to use, maybe I should try amazingly stunning haha, but again this is a brilliant model and texturing.
  • Danne
    That looks awesome!
  • Mr Whippy
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    Mr Whippy polycounter lvl 7
    This is amazing work.

    I'll admit I didn't like it at first from a conceptual point of view but it's grown on me a great deal.
    It's probably because the Hind is such a classic shape that it still works and stands out with modernisation :D

    My only request purely because I'm curious is that it'd be nice to see a render with much less weathering. Perhaps factory fresh with some cool blue/grey (think Flanker in this image http://www.ausairpower.net/VVS/Su-35S-KnAAPO-2P-1S.jpg ) camouflage.

    An inspirational project, thank you for sharing :D

  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Any chance of a UV snap shot?

    Great job, love it :)
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