Hey guys!
Im a long time lurker of polycount and thought it was about time i signed up and started posting! I recently graduated from studying games design so now im trying to build myself up a portfolio of work to hopefully get a job as a 3D artist one day!
This is a guy I started working on recently and only about the 4th character I have done, kind of a veteran cop guy, I wanted to make him a bit exaggerated and top heavy with a really haggered looking face.
Still very work in progress, only really detailed the face so far and blocked other stuff out.
Any crits and advice would be much appreciated!

Its a good start, lots of character, and I think I get what you are going for style wise. The one thing that stuck out to me was the shoulders, they are just too low. I did a really quick liquify paintover to give you an idea of where I'd put them. Hope it helps.
As for being a cop. He just looks too old, wrinkly, fat. I think of something more like this guy from Law and Order when I think of old cop. The face looks good just seems to not fit.
Fango: much appreciated on the paintover, I will have a play around with the shoulders and raise them up some!
Dpadam450: thanks for the comments, I'll have a play around with the proportions although I was thinking of having short legs to give him a top heavy appearance! I get where your coming from
on the face, was going for a kind of fat washed up old guy nearing retirement haha