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MoP's Height Map / Vertex Blending Shader...Who has it?

polycounter lvl 9
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monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
Hey Guys, I've been poking around in max, starting on a piece that would benefit from MoP's shader seen here:


Does anyone have said shader...the link's broken :( MoP! Where are Yoooouuuuu??!


  • Ben Apuna
    Offline / Send Message
    Here you go.
    // Paul "MoP" Greveson's Texture Blend shader!
    // contact: paul@greveson.co.uk
    // website: www.greveson.co.uk
    // Use correct compiler.
    string ParamID = "0x003";
    // Light info.
    float3 light1Dir : Direction
    	string UIName = "Light 1 Direction";
    	string Object = "TargetLight";
    	string UIWidget = "None";
    	string Space = "World";
    		int refID = 1;
    > = { 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f };
    float3 light1Pos : POSITION
    	string UIName = "Light 1 Position";
    	string Object = "PointLight";
    	string Space = "World";
    		int refID = 1;
    > = { 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f };
    float4 light1Color : LIGHTCOLOR <int LightRef = 1; string UIWidget = "None"; > = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
    float4 light1Attenuation : Attenuation <int LightRef = 1; string UIWidget = "None"; > = { 20.0f, 30.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f};
    float light1Hotspot : HotSpot <int LightRef = 1; string UIWidget = "None"; > = { 43.0f };
    float light1Falloff : FallOff <int LightRef = 1; string UIWidget = "None"; > = { 45.0f };
    #define light1Type 1
    #define light1attenType 0
    #define light1coneType 0
    #define light1CastShadows false
    // Textures.
    texture bottomDiffuse
    	string UIName = "Bottom Diffuse";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    texture bottomNormal
    	string UIName = "Bottom Normal";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    texture bottomSpecular
    	string UIName = "Bottom Specular";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    texture topDiffuse
    	string UIName = "Top Diffuse";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    texture topNormal
    	string UIName = "Top Normal";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    texture topSpecular
    	string UIName = "Top Specular";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    texture heightmap
    	string UIName = "Bottom Heightmap";
    	string ResourceType = "2D";
    bool useNormalMaps <
    	string UIName = "Use Normal Maps";
    > = false;
    bool useSpecularMaps <
    	string UIName = "Use Specular Maps";
    > = false;
    bool flipNormalY <
    	string UIName = "Invert Normal Map Green Channel";
    > = false;
    bool useGlossMap <
    	string UIName = "Derive Gloss from Specular Map Alpha Channel";
    > = false;
    float glossConstant <
    	string UIName = "Gloss Constant";
    	float UIMin = 0.0f;
    	float UIMax = 1.0f;
    	float UIStep = 0.01f;
    > = 0.3f;
    bool useVertexAlpha <
    	string UIName = "Use Vertex Alpha for Blend Falloff";
    > = false;
    float falloffConstant <
    	string UIName = "Blend Falloff Constant";
    	float UIMin = 0.01f;
    	float UIMax = 1.0f;
    	float UIStep = 0.01f;
    > = 0.5f;
    bool overrideVertexColor <
    	string UIName = "Override output with Vertex Color";
    > = false;
    bool overrideVertexAlpha <
    	string UIName = "Override output with Vertex Alpha";
    > = false;
    // Samplers.
    sampler2D bottomDiffuseSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <bottomDiffuse>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    sampler2D bottomNormalSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <bottomNormal>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    sampler2D bottomSpecularSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <bottomSpecular>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    sampler2D topDiffuseSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <topDiffuse>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    sampler2D topNormalSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <topNormal>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    sampler2D topSpecularSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <topSpecular>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    sampler2D heightmapSampler = sampler_state
    	Texture = <heightmap>;
    	MinFilter = LINEAR;
    	MagFilter = LINEAR;
    	MipFilter = LINEAR;
    	AddressU = WRAP;
    	AddressV = WRAP;
    // Vertex Color and Alpha.
    int texcoord0 : Texcoord 
    	int Texcoord = 0;
    	int MapChannel = 1;
    	string UIWidget = "None"; 
    int texcoord1 : Texcoord 
    	int Texcoord = 1;
    	int MapChannel = 1;
    	string UIWidget = "None"; 
    int texcoord2 : Texcoord 
    	int Texcoord = 2;
    	int MapChannel = 1;
    	string UIWidget = "None"; 
    int texcoord3 : Texcoord 
    	int Texcoord = 3;
    	int MapChannel = 0;
    	string UIWidget = "None"; 
    int texcoord4 : Texcoord 
    	int Texcoord = 4;
    	int MapChannel = -2;
    	string UIWidget = "None"; 
    // Transformations.
    float4x4 wvp : WorldViewProjection < string UIType = "None"; >;
    float4x4 worldI : WorldInverse < string UIType = "None"; >;
    float4x4 worldIT : WorldInverseTranspose < string UIType = "None"; >;
    float4x4 viewInv : ViewInverse < string UIType = "None"; >;
    float4x4 world : World < string UIType = "None"; >;
    // Create the light vector.
    float3 lightVec_func(float3 worldSpacePos, float3 lightVector, float3x3 objTangentXf, int lightType) 
    	float3 lightVec = mul(objTangentXf, (mul((lightVector - worldSpacePos), worldI).xyz)); 
    	return lightVec; 
    // Input from application.
    struct a2v
    	float4 position		: POSITION; 
    	float4 tangent		: TANGENT; 
    	float4 binormal		: BINORMAL; 
    	float4 normal		: NORMAL; 
    	float2 texCoord		: TEXCOORD0; 
    	float3 vertexColor	: TEXCOORD3; 
    	float vertexAlpha 	: TEXCOORD4; 
    // Output to fragment program.
    struct v2f
    	float4 position    		: POSITION; 
    	float3 lightVec    		: TEXCOORD0; 
    	float3 eyeVec	    	: TEXCOORD1; 
    	float2 texCoord			: TEXCOORD2; 
    	float4 color			: COLOR0; 
    // Vertex Shader.
    v2f v( a2v In, uniform float3 lightPosition, uniform int lightType, uniform float3 lightDirection )
    	v2f Out = ( v2f )0; 
    	float3x3 objTangentXf;
    		objTangentXf[ 0 ] = In.binormal.xyz;
    		objTangentXf[ 1 ] = -In.tangent.xyz;
    		objTangentXf[ 2 ] = In.normal.xyz;
    	float3 worldSpacePos = mul( In.position, world ).xyz;
    	Out.lightVec = lightVec_func( worldSpacePos, lightPosition, objTangentXf, lightType );
    	float4 osIPos = mul( viewInv[ 3 ], worldI );
    	float3 osIVec = osIPos.xyz - In.position.xyz;
    	Out.eyeVec = mul( objTangentXf, osIVec );
    	Out.position = mul( In.position, wvp );
    	In.texCoord.y += 1.0f;		// This fixes Max's V texcoord which is off by one!
    	Out.texCoord = In.texCoord;
    	float4 vertexColor = float4( In.vertexColor.rgb, In.vertexAlpha.r );
    	Out.color = vertexColor;
    	return Out;
    // Pixel Shader.
    float4 f( v2f In, uniform float3 lightDir, uniform float4 lightColor, uniform float4 lightAttenuation,
    	uniform float lightHotspot, uniform float lightFalloff, uniform int lightType, uniform int attenType,
    	uniform int coneType, uniform bool castShadows, uniform int shadowPassCount) : COLOR
    	float3 ret = float3( 0,0,0 );
    	float3 V = normalize( In.eyeVec );
    	float3 L = normalize( In.lightVec );
    	// Calculate the mix mask.
    	float4 heightmap = tex2D( heightmapSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    	float blendFalloff = falloffConstant;
    	float4 vertexColor = In.color;
    	if ( useVertexAlpha )
    		blendFalloff = clamp( vertexColor.a, 0.01, 1.0 );
    	float mixMask = saturate( ( ( heightmap.r - vertexColor.r ) / blendFalloff ) - ( vertexColor.r - 1 ) );
    	// Diffuse color.
    	float4 topDiffuse = tex2D( topDiffuseSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    	float4 bottomDiffuse = tex2D( bottomDiffuseSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    	float3 diffuseColor = lerp( topDiffuse.rgb, bottomDiffuse.rgb, mixMask );
    	// Specular color.
    	float3 specularColor = float3( 0, 0, 0 );
    	if ( useSpecularMaps )
    		float4 topSpecular = tex2D( topSpecularSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    		float4 bottomSpecular = tex2D( bottomSpecularSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    		specularColor = lerp( topSpecular.rgb, bottomSpecular.rgb, mixMask );
    	// Specular level.
    	float specularLevel = ( specularColor.r + specularColor.g + specularColor.b ) / 3.0;
    	// Gloss.
    	float glossiness = glossConstant;
    	if ( useGlossMap )
    		float4 topSpecular = tex2D( topSpecularSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    		float4 bottomSpecular = tex2D( bottomSpecularSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    		glossiness = lerp( topSpecular.a, bottomSpecular.a, mixMask );
    	// Normal.
    	float3 normal = float3( 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 );
    	if ( useNormalMaps )
    		float4 topNormal = tex2D( topNormalSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    		topNormal.xyz = topNormal.xyz * 2 - 1;
    		if ( flipNormalY )
    			topNormal.y = -topNormal.y;
    		topNormal.rgb = normalize( topNormal.rgb );
    		float4 bottomNormal = tex2D( bottomNormalSampler, In.texCoord.xy );
    		bottomNormal.xyz = bottomNormal.xyz * 2 - 1;
    		if ( flipNormalY )
    			bottomNormal.y = -bottomNormal.y;
    		bottomNormal.rgb = normalize( bottomNormal.rgb );
    		normal = normalize( lerp( topNormal.rgb, bottomNormal.rgb, mixMask ) );
    	// Final calculations.
    	float NdotL = dot( normal, L );				// Calculate the diffuse.
    	float diffuse = saturate( NdotL );			// Clamp to zero.
    	diffuseColor *= diffuse;					// The resulting diffuse color.
    	specularColor *= specularLevel;
    	float3 H = normalize( L + V );				// Compute the half angle.
    	float NdotH = saturate( dot( normal, H ) );
    	specularColor *= pow( NdotH, glossiness );	// Raise to glossiness power and compute final specular color.
    	ret += specularColor + diffuseColor;
    	ret *= lightColor;							// Multiply by the color of the light.
    	float4 done = float4( ret, 1 );				// Create the final output.
    	// Debug overrides.
    	if ( overrideVertexColor )
    		done = vertexColor.r, vertexColor.g, vertexColor.b, 1.0;
    	if ( overrideVertexAlpha )
    		done = vertexColor.a, vertexColor.a, vertexColor.a, 1.0;
    	return done;
    technique Complete
    	pass light1
    		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 v(light1Pos,  light1Type, light1Dir);
    		ZEnable = true;
    		CullMode = cw;
    		ShadeMode = Gouraud;
    		ZWriteEnable = true;
    		AlphaBlendEnable = false;
    		SrcBlend = SrcAlpha;
    		DestBlend = One;
    		AlphaTestEnable = FALSE;
    		PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 f(light1Dir, light1Color, light1Attenuation, light1Hotspot, light1Falloff, light1Type, light1attenType, light1coneType, light1CastShadows, 1);
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Ben...unfortunately I have no idea how to use that as is :(
  • Ben Apuna
    Offline / Send Message
    Copy/paste into a blank text document (notepad), then save as whateverFilenameYouWant.fx

    I figured it would be better to post the code than link to a file that could someday be lost again.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    Ah, thanks Ben, yeah I can totally see the reasoning behind it...thanks for your help, it's much appreciated!
  • Ben Apuna
    Offline / Send Message
    Sorry about that btw.

    It was my fault for assuming you (or anyone else for that matter) would know what to do with the code. The deeper I get into coding myself I forget what's "common knowledge" and what's not.

    I guess it goes without saying even though it's probably obvious at this point, but I'll mention it anyway just to be sure. You can also open up any other shaders you might have access to, since they are usually stored in plain text format and can be easily opened up with notepad, in order to take a look at the code and make modifications.

    If you end up doing this a lot you'll probably want to use notepad++ rather than regular notepad which should help make the code easier to read and edit (though it's not necessary). Even better is ShaderFX which is node based like UDK's material editor, though it requires Max.

    I think there are a few links to shader tutorials and examples in the Programming Scripting Master Thread if you are interested.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    No dramas Ben, we're in the technical talk forums after all ;)

    Thanks for the links...if I'm feeling brave I might tinker with the code, it's always interesting seeing what's talking to what and experimenting with code haha.

    Yep, I've got notepad++, cheers.
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