Hello again, heres another partical system i have been workingt on. i would love to get your thoughts and feedback. thanks.
this are particals for UDK's manta:

This is the main exhaust partical for the twin rotars on the manta.

This is the Mat for the Exhaust Partical

This is another mat part of teh Exhaust

This is the ground dust thats kicked up. i used a basic render clouds from Photoshop for the Mat.

These are sparks that will shoot from the moving parts of the manta.

this is the last partical i have worked on for this manta project, its a steam used for the tail pipes.
2. These would look best when used in-game, rather than posting very low resolution screen-shots of the UDK aspect of creation.
Perhaps wait until you have 3d assets, then show the difference YOU made by adding particles and PP effects.
Good hunting.