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Starting Portfolio Character. (A learning process)

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Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys.
School is out. So, I wanted to do something during the summer.
I have been working on a lot of projects but failed to complete them because i lacked motivation and eventually lost interest. I am going to post all my stuff here so I am more likely to finish my project and receive feedback.

I am going to start working on a character at least portfolio level, so I can better myself as an 3D artist. My goal here is that during the next 4 months (or less, I hope), I am going to try my best to finish a character that is at least decent.

What I will learn by doing this?

- Anatomy
- 3D character and costume/props
- Better myself in modelling/unwrapping/texturing
- Zbrush

So, basically this one project is my goal of the summer. Unlike my other projects, I would like to complete this one.

All critics are welcome, So don't hold back. The tougher they are, the better. It will improve me as an artist.

(Sorry if there are any grammar problems. English is not my main language.)


  • Evil raz
    Offline / Send Message
    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    Here are the references so far:


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    I am thinking of creating something cool. Some type of badass, western gun-slinger of some sort. I have not decided yet. It is not clear in my head, I need to do a quick sketch to better understand what exactly I am going to create. Create something before thinking of what exactly I am creating.... Ya, my brain is weird like that.
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    Here is my first quick sketch.


    I am not satisfied with it at all. It just seem way to much like the Nathan Payne reference.

    What I need to change:

    - The shirt. I just don't like it.
    - The axe, unsure if I should keep it or not. It makes him seem like a lumberjack.
    - The costume colour. The ones I used is too boring.
    - I also think the character is too simple, there is not much personality in there.
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man, it looks like you're off to a good start, it's very important to try and really think through your character before you jump in and start making him.

    A couple of pointers:

    I agree with you that the concept you've come up with is a bit too like that nathan payne character, I'd try and come up with something more unique. Look more into different clothing, don't just give him a shirt and a shoulder holster, try and think outside the box a bit.

    You say you think the character is too simple; I'd be careful with this. Visual interest comes from small details and well thought out designs. Big obvious details that are too literaly hurt your character. Such as thinking "This character's an adventurer so he has maps sticking out of his backpack, and a compass round his neck, and a t-shirt that says "I'm an adventurer" on it." Try and pull it back and sell the idea of what kind of character he is without screaming it in your face.

    And stay away from the really over-used character tropes like putting blood on everything, giving him loads of scars, putting fucking tallies on the side of guns etc

    hope that's of some help
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10

    Thanks for the advice. Yes, it helps a lot.
    You are correct on all counts. Blood and scars on a character are too clich
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    A few more character sketches I did recently.



    Still have no idea what I am doing. But I think i'll create a female character.
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    I have finally decided what I am going to be working on. A fantasy style barbarian character. I already started working on the character front and side pose.


    I think I am semi-happy with the design, it just seems like a something is missing, or maybe a lot of things. I guess i'll look back on it later.
  • terry1337
    i would like to see you break up the symmetry more on the gear
    here are some other persons concepts maybe you find it helpfull gl and hf:)
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Sounds like an interesting project. Looking forward to seeing this progress.
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    @terry1337 Thanks for the advice. Those concepts are pretty good reference.

    @Tobbo Alright, will try to do my best.
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10

    I made the clothing less symmetrical and added few pouches.
  • Evil raz
    Offline / Send Message
    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    Followed through Scott Spencer's zsphere technique and using that technique I created a simple zsphere model that follows the basic shape of my character.


    Adaptive Skin.


    Made some changes to follow the basic shape of the character.

  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Good start. It's mainly down to preference, but i'd model the hands in a more relaxed position instead of the "gimme a hug" pose.
    Something like this

    Also, by sculpting with the hand in a relaxed position like that, you get the curvature in the brachioradialis which is going to be prominent in most poses for this type of character.
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    @gilesruscoe: Thanks for the tip. I did it like that because I thought it would be easier to model but now I'll make it more relaxed because it seems to make more sense.
  • Evil raz
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    Evil raz polycounter lvl 10
    Using that base mesh I imported to 3ds max to adjust it a little because I was having a few symmetry problems.
    Eventually after fixing a little topology of the fingers and the head, I went to work on the boots.
    I think separating the character into pieces for each part will make it easier for me to detail it on zbrush.

  • Evil raz
  • KazeoHin
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    KazeoHin polycounter lvl 8
    Coming along well, too early to tell, but my advise is that when working in Zbrush, try to pack in as much detail as possible WITHOUT subdividing, then once you subdivide, do the same again. At this current, blocky subdivision is when you want to start defining muscles, folds and wrinkles. Go for broke!
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