I am creating an environment where the idea is something terrible happened to humanity and an individual has found his way to a place to take shelter.
It happens to be an illegal dump in the woods.
here is what i have so far

I plan on putting burnt out husks of skyscrapers in the background to help tell the story.
Let me know what you think
I'd extend the story telling to the immediate area surrounding the place.
I really like the look, though, and the materials are looking nice.
It definitely needs to look more lived in. A place to dry his clothes, more cooking equipment, a place to prepare food,a place to bathe and clean up, a hammock, a makeshift garden, and so on. Think of everything you would create, and find useful to have around in a time like that. Maybe look up some images of the campsite on LOST.
Like the other guys said..some more stuff outside would be good. I think a clothesline would be neat.
Are you planning on building up the inside of the crate? It would be cool to see a home made up in there...with a sleeping bag, shelves, etc..
gsokol, i haven't decided to what extent i will be populating the inside of the crate. So we will see i guess
added some things:
Who said this person is smart?
I am really liking this scene so far. I like how it's post apocalyptic but everything isn't over grunged and using tonnes of browns. Looks like a forest you could find today.
Keep up the good work!
The trash/junk is too localized. Scattering bits of junk about the scene, localizing it where it would be believable would go a long way.
I think your burning buildings in the background break the illusion that this is some remote refuge. Mainly from a geological angle. Rocks and trees like the scene you`ve made are in biomes that are steep and mountainous- a place where large pockets of skyscrapers can`t exist. Thats not to say there can't be skyscrapers in the mountains though. You should see this crazy casino they built in blackhawk (hur)
I think perhaps a slightly higher camera angle, and a skybox that speaks to a city laying at the basin of some sort of vally, or plain would be something to explore. Something like this:
It would convey a bigger scale and make the scene less "stage" like.
Also- I`m dont know if a character is something you want to make- but I think making a survivor character would be the perfect focal point for this.
Thanks for the suggestion. A garden isn't really the direction I wanted to take with this piece, but I am definitely trying to incorporate more of the hunting idea.
put a little more trash around, plant variation is next on my list!
That's a really awesome idea with the buildings, it's just a little too much work for me at this stage. I'm trying to finish this up to move onto my next project. Wish I would have thought of that earlier though.
And I don't have a lot of experience with characters... he would probablly look like poop :poly142: wish i had that skill though.
Additional notes: Tried making the buildings silhouettes more clear. moved the animal skin, thought it was too distracting. added pack and crossbow, though i haven't textured the crossbow yet. Some other thins i am forgetting. anyway here is latest update
cg textues changed so you have to pay for them.
thanks for the crit. For the ladder i was going for one of those fiberglass ones, eg
Ill work on the texture so it reads better, and ill change the color of the other shipping container. :thumbup:
buildings themselves look really cool though, it would be nice to see closer shots of those meshes and their wireframes.
made those changes:
Blaisoid: I modeled out this low detail mesh which i then duplicated a bunch to form interesting shapes. nothing too special really.
ill post some textures later today.
edit: ended up changing the sky texture.
I'm curious, are those pants actually modeled out, or are they just an image plane? I'm assuming image plane, but, you've pulled the illusion off quite well. It's just a nit pick observation and curiosity
It's always great to see a scene that tells a story
I think I am going to call it done now. thank you everyone for your input. It was a big help.
tristamus, you are right the pants are image planes. With a little geo to push the shapes a bit.
Love the scene tho. keep it up!
Iciban, I actually wanted to shy away from the dead look. I like color and I wanted to keep as much possible while still telling the story.
I thought i would show some prop highlights/breakdowns since some people wanted to see that.
Let me know if you want to see anything else.
Also shameless begging time: I am currently looking for employment so if you can help me out let me know :poly136: :thumbup:
love it!
I feel like I am spamming, so I apologize for that. But I had a few suggestions given to me and I just wanted to make sure I had the latest version here before I laid this project to rest.
Added scorching to the rocks by the campfire. Placed more grass down to make objects look less isolated and floaty.
The only thing I thought of when I saw it was how there is blue sky over the city yet the rest of the sky and even up to the trees looks as tho it's smokey.
Was wondering if blue sky to the right of the image would portray the destruction of the city a little more with more smoke/cloud cover around the broken buildings in the background.
would it be ok for me to paintover, just for fun?
cw: you are welcome to do a paint over. I don't know how much I will change if your suggestions are drastic, I really am trying to get to work on my new project.
Changed the sky and fixed the grass.