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Rebel Soldier W.I.P.

Hey everyone,
im quite new around here but thought i should post my stuff and try hopefully get feedback/tips/advice to improve as an artist.

Right now the project im working on is Female Rebel Soldier. I went for a tough kind of look instead of the classic Overly sexy beauty wielding a weapon, Really wanted to make a tough looking character that could kick some ass. While being pleasant to look at, at the same time :P



  • ImRuKus
    Quick update, Tried painting some color onto her (extremely quickly) tomorrow i will be focusing entirely on painting her as well as i can. Will also upload my Orthographic views tomorrow.

  • ImRuKus
    Havnt uploaded stuff here for a while so i thought id do some more WIP shots, these are my finished paint over and scratched knee pad reference.


  • Snader
    Offline / Send Message
    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    The design is rather plain and undetailed, don't you think?
  • ImRuKus
    Sorry for no reply. Ive been bogged down with trying to learn to rig and what not.
    Snader I actually agree with you, I wish I wasn't dumb and regularly updated this so my result could of been more refined.
    Anyways heres a huge dump of the progress I made. Fell free to critique and criticize, I will be working on this character after it is due in my own time.

  • ImRuKus
    The above images were low poly imports of my zbrush files which are below.

  • ImRuKus
    As you could probably see i took off the belt accessories and knee pads, I done this for 3 reasons, Not being able to neatly sew the kneepads on, Lack of rigging skill atm to attach the side pouches, and to be able to achieve a decent skinning quicker. I do plan on putting these pad sand bags on once my knowledge and experience of rigging and skinning improve.

    Quick little shot of messing around with LCshader tools.

  • ImRuKus
    started making my diffuse texture (still need to create a Spec). The reason the black grid lines are on the mesh still is to help ive me reference to the exact position on the UVS.

  • ImRuKus
    More photos of a closer to finished textures. Also now rigged (not skinned however)

  • ImRuKus
    My rig, Its fairly basic, IK legs, FK arms. was planning on IK/FK arms however with my lack of rigging skill I was unable to get it right after about 30 attempts. However I have not given up and am determined to one day soon be able to rig IK/FK switch arms.

    The feet have SDK's on them for foot movement, The hands also have SDK's with a fist movement and hand spread.

    Also working on making her ponytail dynamic for Gamebryo. However as ive modelled in Z up dynamics is being a complete pain in the ass.

    Quite happy with this rig, However if anyone can point me in the direction of helpful rigging videos or scripts itd be much appreciated :)

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    you may want to refine her features, unless you're using this as a reference:
  • ImRuKus
    Haha Gir Thanks for the feedback.
    Your completely right her face does need some refining done to it :) Although the screen shots presented are only Diffuse textures (which honestly need some more work on them), Ill try take a Gamebryo shot of her tomorrow to try and show what she looks like with her normal maps. Apparently NI Multishaders don't like to render Normal maps in Maya's view port :(
  • Drav
    Offline / Send Message
    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    Normal maps wont save this.......

    I suggest you do some figure drawing to learn proportions and anatomy. Im crap at this too....
  • ImRuKus
    @Drav, thanks for pointing out the incorrect anatomy,I definitely need to work on Female anatomy, I mainly choose female since ive always drawn males or modelled males (so hopefully when this character is finished ill be making another girl to practice anatomy :) (maybe doing a full body sculpt in zbrush), The torso is a little to long ive noticed and the chest lacks definition, If you can point out more that's off (there's probably alot haha) it'd be much appreciated, or even if you could point me in the direction of some orthographic websites it'd be really appreciated :)

    @Riot, the actual character was modelled of various naked woman orthographic's, (am I aloud to post them as part of my reference pictures?) Also like I mentioned to Drav, If you could point me in the direction of some orthographic shots of the female anatomy that'd be awesome :)

    Or if either of you could point me in the direction of good female (or male) topology threads or sites that would also be awesome :)
  • ImRuKus
    Also for anyone who sais the character needs to be more refined/better anatomy, can you please leave me a comment on what need to be done e.g. shorter torso, or somthing like that. Right now its to late to change the mesh FOR THE ASSIGNMENT, However I want to make another female character after this assignment on the side, So all suggestions and advice will be used in my next character, Thanks everyone for the feedback :)
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    www.3d.sk for orthographic photos of women, some digging around should find you some of the free ones.

    Really tho, and this is my next hurdle, is that to be any good at this, you need to know how people are put together, and how they look in motion. In short, you need to be able to draw, or at least sketch.

    So to fix your model in the short term, find a front and side photo and get things matched for a quick and rough fix. In the long term I think you want to at least be able to sketch poses and draw passable well proportioned figures.

    You certainly need to know enough to be able to sculpt without sticking to photos like you were modelling a car, and I think that comes from drawing poses.

    Have a look at hazardous's thread, and look closely at his figure drawing advice. I am going to start a sketch a day using the tool he mentions and see how i get on.


  • ImRuKus
    wow, thanks guys :) (just like to say Riot i looked at your website and holly crap your characters are awesome! Feels awesome to have someone so talented trying to help me out,)

    @Drav, Ill try moving the verts around to atleast match Riots silhouette :)
    I also completely agree with you on the drawing/sketching part. I do sketch and put some stuff up on Conceptart.org (not sure if im aloud to post the link to my account on that) Im not amazing (and dont have much work on it as I just joined) But im trying to find a life drawing place close to my home, so fingers crossed :)

    Ill make another screenshot post when ive adjusted the model.
  • ImRuKus
    Ive moved as much as i can without having to UV my character or effect were my skeletons bones are, It looks much better with hips haha, Thanks Riot for the silhouette.

  • ImRuKus
    Thanks riot, I allready have my idea for a next character as a side project, Learnt alot of tricks from watching people make there dominance war characters for modelling.
    My aim is to try and reach there level of awesomeness and hopefully one day become even more awesome :D
  • Rigoberto1
    Want to see his complete completedwww.cleaningcassette.com
  • ImRuKus
    Rigo ill be posting a finished version within the next week, as its due on tuesday. Hopefully ill be able to work a bi more on animating it properly and put up a video of her doing some actions.
  • ImRuKus
  • ImRuKus
    Quick update, skinning is 90% done :D

  • Vio
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    Vio polycounter lvl 6
    Next time you do a base mesh, an easy way to make a good start on the proportions is to use the head to measure everything else. the shins and thighs should be about 2 heads each, the hands should be about as big as the face, the height should be 8 heads high. This is just a very basic way to make a good start and of course doesn't remove the need to use references.

  • ImRuKus
    Thanks for that vio :) Ill definitely be using the website provided when i start my new character, (hopefully on Thursday or Wednesday.
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