[Portfolio] Genk56 Australia, 3d game art student.
Looking for some constructive feed back on the concept i've done so far. Now before you start, i'm still some what of a noob at photoshop but intending to try and get more practice in. And these are still in progress and no where near their final stage. The character is intended for 3d game use. Anyway please leave a helpful comment or suggestion.
The first attempt.

I am trying to make a modern Paladin or rather what i imagine what one would be like if they were an active force in the world. The First one i tried to mix it up and try and get the priestly aspect of the paladin across, altho it didnt turn out as well as i had liked. The armor didnt go well with his figure among other things.
Second attempt (wip)

This time i tried to go the more heavily armored paladin approach, wanting to give him layers of armor. I intend for at least once more layer of armor before giving him another layer iconic paladin symbols and items. The color scheme currently is using colors the Vatican church uses to symbolizes various meanings. So tried to incorporate that into it. As for his weapons i am thinking either a silly big gun, or a combat shield with shotgun. Anyway Thats all i have for now, stay tuned for more updates.
However to me his feet look really small in comparison to the rest of the bulky armour..
Maybe some bulkier shoes could work?
As for the shoes there is at least one more layer of armor going on them mostly covering the shin giving the boot a bulky look.
As for the cultural aspects its certainly a thought, i was originally leaning towards more Religious aspects of the Catholic church, The knights Templar and such.
i think the final armour image is a little bit to much.
i think you should make the colour scheme like the kevlar suit but all over, with the exception of a green mask or somethign.
Alright here's another wip update of the concept, i've been rather slack and will get around to showing you the working of the side shots but here is what i got so far.
I've still got a ways to go but if i get the curves of the body and edge flow right off the base i'm hoping then it will be easier to work with as i work out.