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Hoverbike Issues

polycounter lvl 7
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Utility polycounter lvl 7
Hey everybody,

If ya don't remember this, I posted an early version of my Hoverhog before. I've tried to script it again for my reel, and now I'm stuck again.
I'm trying to script a hoverbike in UDK- I've been following this tutorial mainly ([ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9EX4vUtAlg&feature=relmfu"]Setup and Export a vehicle from 3dsMax to UDK - part 4 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]). So far, I've got the vehicle to "work", except for two biiig issues; when you touch it, it flies into the air (probably something involving Wake on Start), and that it only 'drives' on its side. I have all the bones and mesh set up properly in Maya (Z-axis facing up), but in game the bike is forced to the ground... although looking at the pivots in the SkeletalMesh window, it looks like they're off, even though they look alright in Maya. Driving forward and to the side is the only way to move, and it moves like Homer does when he gets his job (see: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5MfDn_27X0&feature=related"]Homer Simpson spinning - YouTube[/ame] and derp). Any ideas? The bike has a rig, but I only use a "root" which controls the entire bike.byebyebike.pngBye bye, bike...
derpbike.png Bike goes derp.

I'll gladly post a workflow/tutorial/awesome video when I get this to work, too.


  • Utility
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    Utility polycounter lvl 7
    Juuuust in case any of you were paying attention, I've updated the bike:

    IT WORKS!!! IT'S ALLIIIIIIIIIVE! Though it drives like a really derp manta. Whatever. I'm not a programmer :P I'm just happy it works. Anyone know anything about vehicle rigs in Maya for UDK? I'm trying to add sockets for exhaust now and it keeps breaking the bike when I re-import it to UDK. C&C plox!

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