Hey all, I decided to try my hand at making a 3D version of an illustration by Wayne Reynolds (one of my favorite illustrators). I chose the monk from Pathfinder because his gear is reasonably complicated while the pose is straight forward yet effective. Without further ado:
Illustration by Wayne Reynolds:

Zbrush (with some help from Modo):

Retopo wires and a blocked in texture before clean up. Note I used the illustration to help with the texturing (Topogun, Modo):

Final (rendered in modo - directional light and hidden ground plane for basic GI):

Tex sheet (photoshop and modo):

I'm trying to develop my portfolio. What do you all think of this model in terms of the concept being someone else's original work? Is this a valid way to make a portfolio piece - as a translation of 2D to 3D art? Should I create the texture map from scratch instead (I feel like this is the gray area)? Should I instead be focusing instead on creating my own work from the start? Thanks in advance.
Hope this works.