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Junker Airship

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HTLu polycounter lvl 9
I'm starting a new project for my course, and so here is a block out of the airship I'm working on.
I will be adding more pieces to it.There are many things thats missing still.
Inspired by Ian Mcque's concepts /reference.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated thanks!=)


  • KSMO
    The blockout is looking really good. I think you might consider doing something different with the front piece. It feels a little thick and I don't really understand how it connects to the rest of the ship. Also consider some more scale indicators. Seems like the door and the balcony on the back are not in proportion to one another.
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks KSMO =) I'll make changes to the front and watch for scale on stuff.
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    WIP update

    Still missing a few pieces and details, and perhaps scale?

    Feedback greatly appreciated thank you.


  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Coming along great I would say altough I have some remarks.

    Altought it's more of my personal experience.
    In the concepts it looks like ships that are quite big and fit quite a bit of people, while currently in your version seeing the scale of the door it looks more like a 1 person aircraft.

    And together with that, the front is just "there", it doesn't really seem to serve much of a purpose currently.

    But at the same time, seeing those half rings at the front it looks you intended it to be a larger aircraft, so there are definatly some scale issues going on.

    But currently the only thing to go off is the door, wich in my mind is just a bit taller then a human person wich kind of screws with the scale perception of the thing.

    And a last thing is that at first glance the plates seem a bit tick.
    I would presume in such a aicraft the main body would be made up of plates that are that size for the main hull, but it would be fairly flush.
    And then smaller/thinner plates would be used to cover up damage.

    But currently it looks like you have some really thick plates, especially it at the back that just seem to be there for no real reason in that position.
    (kind of hard to explain, so I do hope I'm making some sense :p)
  • Vysuki
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    Vysuki polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good, a few questions, whats the vehicle intended to be? Since it's small I figure it would be a personal transport or taxi perhaps? the balcony at the back, what is it for? Are you adding a door so you can get out to it? or if you aren't perhaps put some cargo in it and tie it down with a cloth sheet (like the trunk/boot of a car).
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Vysuki and joeriv for the feedback.

    Yes i'm having somewhat of a scale issue on this piece, and for this I sort of envision it to be somewhat of a large transport ship that can hold both people and cargo, but not in a scale like a massive ship though.

    to Vysuki: I wanted to add the door because i want that part to be sort of like a resting cabin/small cockpit for the captain, and people just sorta store cargo on top and what not, but I'm kind of having issue figuring out a stronger design, and just fitting the scale of door to boat/door to balcony/ and door to size of ship...

    to joeriv I originally wanted more thinner plates on the ship but I was afraid if i made it too thin it won't turn out strong on the normal bake, but if you got any suggestions on that then that would be greatly appreciated. Or if you could help me with ideas on how to vary up the size and arrangements of the plats like how the plates are demonstrated in the concepts.
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9

    update of hipoly
  • njc6425
    I really like that model, you really get a sense of the junker(ness) of it from all of those flappy panels sticking out :)
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    njc6425 wrote: »
    I really like that model, you really get a sense of the junker(ness) of it from all of those flappy panels sticking out :)

    Thanks =)
  • Darkleopard
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    New updates
    I will be building lowpoly after this.

  • AdamOstridge
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    AdamOstridge polycounter lvl 6
    Looking great! Definitely keeping my eye on this, looking forward to seeing how you approach texturing it! :)
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    Looking great! Definitely keeping my eye on this, looking forward to seeing how you approach texturing it! :)

    Thank you =D
  • modern
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    modern polycounter lvl 17
    I think you have made the scale even more ambiguous. There is something about the design that makes it look like a one man fishing boat, at least scale wise - which is fine. Ithink if you want to make the boat look bigger you would need to change the overall design, but I like what you have.
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    got to baking low, but there were some errors and I had to go in to fix quite a lot of the normals map in photoshop.
    Going to move on tobaking Ao and starting a base diffuse now.I'll fix the normals further if there are any feedback on how to improve the normals map. I added bolt details by baking the bolts on a flat plane and overlaying the details to the main normal map.

    Here is two est renders, with some of he pieces missine og because I want to have only one of each piece. There will be more duplicated pieces in the final piece so not many ropes/lines in the model like in the original high poly version and some of the side cylinders/bolt details are not there.
    2q1z902.jpg 2048 uvmap
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9

    Lowpoly with AO, and Normals Materials apply in Max
  • sipher3325
    Dude this is sick. I was actually going to be using that same concept art for an airship tdm game i was going to pitch for a class next quarter. This is looking great so far and I can't wait to see this finished.
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    sipher3325 wrote: »
    Dude this is sick. I was actually going to be using that same concept art for an airship tdm game i was going to pitch for a class next quarter. This is looking great so far and I can't wait to see this finished.

    Thanks =). This is also for class, I'll be texturing soon, between now and next week.
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    Got Textures on the ship, and put in UDK.

    It doesn't show but there are reflective materials on the windows/glass.



  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    I think your spec needs work the metal looks very flat. Maybe post texture flats so we can critique more :) Great model though!
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    Diffuse, Spec, and Normals
  • HTLu
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    HTLu polycounter lvl 9
    SaferDan wrote: »
    I think your spec needs work the metal looks very flat. Maybe post texture flats so we can critique more :) Great model though!

    thanks for the feedback, I posted my textures just now.
  • Mark Dygert
    I like it, it looks pretty cool, good modeling, those are some great concepts to work from.

    Did you run your diffuse through crazybump or xnormal it seems a bit weird...

    Also I think you have a weird mix of styles, some hand painted bits next to ultra noisy realistic parts? I realize its a junker which is a hodge podge but I think you can get it to read as hodge podge and still stay in one style or the other.
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