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[Portfolio] OddEyes - Environment Art

i'm one of those polycounters, who lurks around and rarely posts xD

that's why i thought it would be a good thing to post my new portfolio page.

Portfolio: www.stefanberner.com

Don't be to cruel with it, coz i have put a lot of effort in this, but please be honest with you criticism.

Tell me what's wrong with it...
Is something essential missing?
Does it look weird in your browser?

Thank you for your time!


  • System
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    System admin
    It says 'Environment Artist'... but I don't see any environments.

    Props look nice though!
  • Aigik
    The first thing that jumps out at me is that lack of specularity on the bomb. It says at the top of the page that there's a spec and gloss map on it, but there doesn't seem to be any visible specularity.
  • OddEyes
    TeeJay wrote: »
    It says 'Environment Artist'... but I don't see any environments.

    Props look nice though!

    the thing is, as far as i know, there arn't any job offers "Prop Artist", i thought Environment Artist would fit the best. Or should i write sth. like "Environment and Prop Artist" or "3D Artist" ??

    @Aigik: hmm .. you are right. i think i'll redo the screenshots.
  • sipher3325
    I'd say Evironment and Prop Artist sounds good but only if you intend on throwing any environments on there. I really dig your m249 and steampunk shield. The turret idea looks cool but i'm not sure if throwing unfinished work on there is a good idea. If you are just doing props maybe you could look into maybe getting them into game and showing some footage of them actually functioning and being used.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Do you want to be an environment artist? If so - make an environment! Otherwise, just call your self 3D artist or Prop Artist.

    Your thumbnails aren't properly aligned. They also could have a bit better composition, mostly trying to get it as informative as possible. For guns, have the entire thing in the frame. Maybe you need to make your images a bit taller - 750*300? Your other images sometimes aren't close up enough to be close-ups, they end up looking like awkwardly cropped overviews.

    Trier, Germany is not an address. There are thousands of addresses there.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Snader wrote: »
    Do you want to be an environment artist? If so - make an environment! Otherwise, just call your self 3D artist or Prop Artist.

    ^^ this.

    For the website, the super contrasting white header and black background is annoying.

    I dig the Steampunk Shield, but when I think Steampunk, I think of Bronze/Copper not white metal.
  • Clark Coots
    Online / Send Message
    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    nice work in there. i agree with the comments that have been said about the bomb lacking spec, and the miss leading environment art title. I also think you should show some texture breakdowns
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    The banner is hugely oversized and overshadows your content. It's further compromised by your long text descriptions. Tighten up all that wasted space and save on scrolling. All the text could be one line instead of 5 or 6.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah you definitely don't put down "environment artist" unless you have environments in your portfolio. I know i'm reiterating on these guys but it's a huge red flag when companies see that kind of thing.

    It's basically you trying to get a better job than you've shown companies you can perform. As far as your portfolio shows you can make great props but placing them, and lighting them isnt something the company knows you can do.

    I say just put down prop artist because as far as your portfolio/companies who view your portfolio is concerned that's what you are.
  • OddEyes
    thank you everybody for your valuable feedback.

    - header 33% smaller
    - header less bright
    - specular of nukecase fixed
    - header says now 3D Artist - Prop Artist
    - textdescription now max 4 lines
    - adress fix

    - texture breakdowns

    Due to that the header is less bright, i think, that the whole website is now quite oppressive.
    Btw, is it possible to change the title of this thread, since it is now very misleading xD

    Snader wrote: »
    Your thumbnails aren't properly aligned.
    Can you comment on this more, coz i tested it on different browsers, OS, devices and i had no aligning problems. What Browser do you use?
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    I see this in Google Chrome:

    On my wide-screen 1680x1050, I have 2 columns and the shield and gatling gun are slightly off to the left by 5-10 pixels.

    When I move it to the 4:3 1280x1024 second monitor , I have 1 column and just the gatling gun if off by the 5-10 pixels.

    So, it seems that whatever is in the last "row" of your side is misaligned.
  • aaronaton
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    aaronaton polycounter lvl 6
    IMO i don't think there would be a grimey texture map on a nuke or its case, they are the most static and clean objects probably in the world!
  • OddEyes
    thx LMP.
    It should now work correctly on Chrome as well.

    also added some texture breakdowns.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    your guns are pretty dope man. Nice work. I'd like to see tri counts! And what size textures you are using :)
  • DudeinCA
    aaronaton wrote: »
    IMO i don't think there would be a grimey texture map on a nuke or its case, they are the most static and clean objects probably in the world!

    that's exactly what i thought. no one is gonna be so careless with a case when it has a nuke in it.

    i really like your M249 btw
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    needs some environments.
  • OddEyes
    your guns are pretty dope man. Nice work. I'd like to see tri counts! And what size textures you are using

    hmm .. actually the tri count should be right at the top in the headline.
    DudeinCA wrote: »
    that's exactly what i thought. no one is gonna be so careless with a case when it has a nuke in it.

    i really like your M249 btw

    The nuke case is for a project, and the story behind this thing is, that the terrorists steal the nuke and are now using there own case. If it would be deep underground in a storage silo, i agree with you.
    needs some environments.

    indeed. somehow i was the opinion, environment artists make props and stuff for a level, and a level artist composes all these assets to a level. Obviously i was wrong.
    My next scene will be an environment ;)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    OddEyes wrote: »
    Can you comment on this more, coz i tested it on different browsers, OS, devices and i had no aligning problems. What Browser do you use?


    I''m on Opera 11.something.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
    Offline / Send Message
    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    you could just advertise yourself as a prop artist?
  • David Wakelin
    A rookie question; but could you tell me what the map types are on the shield you made?

    I recgonise Normals, Diffuse & Specular but unfamiliar with the other - is it a gloss map?
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