Hey PolyCounters
11,000 Triangles
2048 Diffuse, Spec, Normal
Rendered in Marmoset
I was wondering if 11K tris is too much? I ended up beveling the majority of edges and used 24 sided cylinders (at the highest) for switches/barrel. I did not make a high poly for this model and wasn't planning on using normal maps so I figured I could go a tad bit higher in polycount.
However! I decided I wanted a normal map after seeing it put together in marmoset. So my normals only influence Text, wood grain, some subtle bump/dents, and hand drawn seams/breaks between parts or materials, and were created via xnormal plugin for PS height to normals. Now I feel like I'm being wasteful and my beveled edges could've been handled by the normal map. What do you guys think? Should I use this model with a few tweaks for my High Poly and then clean up topology for baking for a new low poly with maybe half the tri count in the end? Whats a good tri count for an FPS game? And would my current tri count be acceptable, with memory usage if I didn't use a normal map?
Also any critique on texture work would be appreciated!

Its usually a bad sign when your edges form a solid color when you switch to wireframe mode.
all the circular buttons/bolts on the receiver have about 2x more edges than they would require Also I'd just get rid of the holes in the magazine and do that in the texture.. theres got to be at nearly 2000 polys there just for the holes.
also there are some places where you could have used more efficient topology to save tri's.
Ps writing from the phone so except grammatical errors.
Thanks for looking and the comments!
to join you.