Greetings, Polycount! Yesterday I finished my first somewhat serious piece of software.
It's a little script that converts this:

into this:

The resulting sprite sheets are ready for use in many game engines, such as FlashPunk, an amazing framework for Flash that we are using for our game. I was pretty tired of having to make them by hand, so I decided to automate the process. Mind you, I'm more of an artist than a programmer, and this is my first time releasing to public, but you'll see that the script came out pretty good. I'm also planning on developing it even further, to add features and improve usability.
You can grab it (as well as a detailed readme) here:
I do hope it makes someone's life easier! Critique and suggestions are very welcome.

i always wanted a nice and simple solution inside photoshop for this kind of tasks.
thank u very very much for sharing this with the community!!
cheers next
Also, it appears your script modifies what ever file it is run from. Perhaps you could make it open a new document and copy (or better yet place) the elements in the new file rather than changing the existing file?
Thanks! :-) Brian
"Error 60: Not well-formed (invalid token)
Line: 388
For example, turning this guy:
Into this:
Thanks again for this
Huh, this is weird. Looks like an XML parsing error, I'll look into it some time in the future.
Thanks for using it! And yeah, I will eventually update it to work with CC, as well as add some more cool things, pretty soon too, actually.
The branch hasn't been updated, yet the script is working fine for me in CC. Perhaps it was a bug in CC that has been patched?
Anyways, great script mediochrea! It fills a need that no other software does as efficiently or quick. The other scripts out there that try to do similar, are painstakingly slow and require frame export first... eugh. Looking forward to future updates!
Do you know if there anyway this could be done in reverse or another tool anyone know of?
I was given a sprite sheet but need to edit it back into layers to add effects, etc. I don't have access to original layers.
But looking at the sprite sheet, I could figure out the dimensions each "sprite box" needs to be but it is a pain adding a new animations/fx over the sprite sheet to make sure it lines up for each frame. So I'm sure someone has figured out a way to do this in reverse. Thanks.
Thanks man, glad you're finding it useful! And yeah, there was an update in CC that killed my workaround for moving the frames, so it didn't work for a while, but it seems that they fixed it later.
Hey, thanks! As for the reverse functionality, I believe that Shoebox from RenderHJS had something like that, so try it out. I might add it to the script once I get back to it though, seems easy enough.