well this was a quick and short project i wanted to do it for a while and just did it xD its not the best but i only had a short amount of time to put work into it but im happy atm with the way it came out and later will go back and just do it from scratch to see how much i improve
Reference sheet

the wire frames

sword with diff/spec/nrmls

base with diff/spec/nrmls

both together with diff/spec/nrmls

and a rendered shot i went ahead and did in MR

ill probably go ahead and throw it into UDK tomorrow to see how it looks
Also IMO the wooden handle/stalk seems very slender in comparison to the size of the sword.
Anyways for crits echoing what's already been said I think the rock could use another pass. It's a little too boring. I agree with with Sipher3325 some fiery lines along the surface could be fun. At the very least thought I'd add some darker shadows and brighter highlights (or a spec map) to is to push the form like in the reference image.
Texture flats would be great to see
the model looks good, only really glaring wasted geo I see is that line running down the center of the flat of the blade you could probably terminate it into a tri early on unless it's there to cut things in half to save UV space (which it doesn't appear to be) Also I don't know what use there is for the horizontal loops on the handle and wrap.
Also might be fun to try and get a glow going on it too.
and i do see where you are saying about the unneeded splits in some of the geo that could be rid of and still hold up.
my texture maps are a bit horrible not optimized at all there is three atm one for the sword and one "triangle" spike.one for the metal squares and the different triangle spikes on the blade and the wood pole and handle part, and the last is just the rock. i could have just used one sheet for the whole sword but it was a thing that i just totally zoned on
and i do have a glow map on it that only shows in the render atm and i was going to throw it in UDK and try and get it working with the glow in there to see it a bit better
ill post my textures maps when i get back home
they aren't the best and waste alot of space now that im looking at them buuuut it gave me the desired look lol xD and i have bin testing out some different specs on the rock and not really liking them atm, maybe its just my overall texture of the rock
i cant really put more time into this one im actually making a weapon in the class im currently taking atm and ill be posting some of my progress on that and hopefully that process will strengthen my skills and i can revisit this project with a remake of it