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Thompson M1A1

polycounter lvl 13
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Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
Hey PolyCounters

11,000 Triangles
2048 Diffuse, Spec, Normal
Rendered in Marmoset

I was wondering if 11K tris is too much? I ended up beveling the majority of edges and used 24 sided cylinders (at the highest) for switches/barrel. I did not make a high poly for this model and wasn't planning on using normal maps so I figured I could go a tad bit higher in polycount.

However! I decided I wanted a normal map after seeing it put together in marmoset. So my normals only influence Text, wood grain, some subtle bump/dents, and hand drawn seams/breaks between parts or materials, and were created via xnormal plugin for PS height to normals. Now I feel like I'm being wasteful and my beveled edges could've been handled by the normal map. What do you guys think? Should I use this model with a few tweaks for my High Poly and then clean up topology for baking for a new low poly with maybe half the tri count in the end? Whats a good tri count for an FPS game? And would my current tri count be acceptable, with memory usage if I didn't use a normal map?

Also any critique on texture work would be appreciated!



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