Hey Guys and Gals.
I started this awhile ago but over Easter I finally had some time to work on it again and now I have the motivation to get it done.
The goal is to have him match the style/quality of Batman: Arkham City, maybe not quite as dark though. He is also based heavily on Alex Ross's Superman.
Current WIP.

Almost done with the sculpt but still have a fair bit of work ahead of me following that. I have to sculpt folds on everything and will probably smooth out the anatomy so it looks more like a suit and less like a naked guy in undies and a cape.
I will probably be redoing the hair with alpha planes as well because they don't appear to have sculpted the hair for Arkham City and its something I need to actually get good at.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
but great job hope to see more
ohhhh actually the belly button should be up higher. Pretty much where it looks like you put it originally. In line with the elbows-ish. You may need to re sculpt the abs
killer work.
also I dont like how his trousers or what to call them look like, they look too... inflatet compared to the rest of the super tight suit.
If you're looking to emulate the style of the Batman games, though, I think you could stand to make his physique more exaggerated. Batman is ridiculously barrel-chested in those games (hell, everyone is huge - even Jim Gordon looks pretty jacked), and if him and Clark were to stand next to each other, I think it'd be a bit silly if Batman is noticeably beefier.
Having said that, the overly pumped physique is probably my least favourite aspect of the Batman design in the Arkham games, and I actually much prefer the look of your Superman - but if your goal is to specifically recreate the look and style of the games I definitely think it's something you should consider.
I'd recheck the anatomy though, there are quite a few errors and some glaring such as the quads (your rectus femoris isn't going in the right direction, and you're lacking even a hint of sartorius). Also the knee and lower leg could be more elegant, there's allot of odd bulges right now that don't make sense.
Looking forward to see how this develops.
joshA: haha, supernude.
chrisradsby: I will get to texturing as soon as I make a few fixes, still trying to figure out the best approach for this one, whether I should texture the high poly or the low.
duncan: I think you are right about the belly button, it did look more normal before I put the belt on. I will have a play with it though.
MGrecke: Your right. The pants area (underwear?) do look much to inflated, Something I will work on, as well as adding some detail.
praetor187: Glad you like the Hands. Probably going to refine them a bit more and put a bit more detail into them though.
Jigsaw: You bring up a good point. I guess maybe I wasn't so sure about the over the top barrelled chest either. If you look at Robin in Arkham City though, and some of the DLC "Costumes" for Batman, I wouldn't say that that chest shape doesn't vary though. I might keep it as is for now, and maybe I will adjust it if it's still not fitting the style once its textured, posed and in UDK.
Super: I agree, I still have a fair bit to learn about anatomy (I even had to look up the muscles you named specifically). I will work on the legs a bit futher before I move on to texturing. Thanks.
I should have all day tomorrow to work on it, So I should be able to post an update with hopefully a few fixes and changes.
Thanks again for the nice comments and the feedback, you guys rock! :thumbup:
there's an un-natural shape happening at the bottom of the bicep because of the way you've sculpted them. remember that they start out at the bottom of the humerous, and wrap around and down the forarm... but your sculpt shows one of them just cutting off out of nowhere.
Good luck.
Tried to take on board everything that has been said so far, sorry if I have missed something.
The tight folds on the suit are a test really, not really happy with them so will play with them a bit more and try to get the hang of them. The boots need some more love too, maybe I over did them a bit.
Thanks guys!
One of the great things about Bats in Arkham was how he looked towards the end of the game, beat up, slightly bloody, ripped etc. ATM, this looks fantastic for Supes... But it looks the same as every other Superman model/texture? You know? The main issue with this guy that people have is that hes boring... He can't be killed... Thats... Dull. But nobody said he cant get the shit kicked out of him.
Its something everybody loves, when the hero falls, only to rise again. A beat up looking Supes here would be perfect, and fit in with the style too.
regarding the hair, for the Joker they used a base on the model heavily covered in alpha planes but from the screens I can find of Gordon it doesn't really look like there's any alpha going on. Considering Supe's haristyle I'd go this route with a few alpha's here and there like trim and his "curl".
if you still want to fit the AA style, I found this pic ages ago.
on top of that, while you've nailed a generic superman look, i don't feel like you've nailed an arkham style superman.
Thanks for the feedback Gir, kinda agree with you about the style. Do you think its the textures and render style or more to do with the proportions/model? Or the whole thing entirely? :P