A while back, I got the idea of making a shack made up of different pieces, instead of all of them as one piece in Maya/Max. So, I modeled a few different pieces of metal siding, plywood, and particleboard. I also have some decorative pieces, like cans, bottles, a bucket, a tire, a tub(hoping to do a material animation of the dirty water).
I'm want to make this a portfolio piece. I was about 80% done before a UDK update corrupted my package file, so I decided I'd restart and get input from you guys. I'll try my best to work on it as much as possible and update frequently.
To start off, I have this shot from UDK with some of the meshes applied. I created multiple variations of particle board and metal siding materials, so it won't be so repetitive. I'm also removing the BSP block once I'm done applying the meshes.

Also, I tried out Marmoset tonight. Such a cool program! Here is one combination of mesh/textures

Crit away

Thanks! I won't lie though, Marmoset makes it look so much better than UDK
I'll post a picture of my diffuse/normal/spec soon.
I also have a question. I'm trying to do this with an engine in mind, so I'm trying to keep my poly count low, baking high poly normals, and not using absurd sizes for textures. Some of my models have a lot of UV space left and since I'm trying to keep things optimized, would it be a good idea(considering this is a portfolio piece) to go back and put multiple models on one uv sheet? Do companies really look at that as a serious thing, or will my texturing/modeling skills be more important?
I also did a quick paintover for some ideas I had.
I really liked the ambient light in MW3's Village(around the market) where the light coming through the plastic was colored. I want to replicate it with the blue tarp, if possible with my lighting.
I thought of having some sort of rug for the door, hopefully swaying back and forth.
Definitely needs to be littered. I already have bottles and cans made, but I think I need some decals of other trash.
And I just thought of this while I was working. I'd like to set up a little scene on the right where two people might have been playing checkers. Build up a table stand with tires and particle board, throw some cans in there, and some plastic chairs(if I can figure out how to model them).
I also resized the meshes used for the shack. I wasn't liking a bunch of small pieces. I think fewer larger pieces looks better.
Still to come:
- Material for the plastic tub
- Finish adding the meshes around the block(then remove the block)
- More trash meshes/decals
- Checkerboard table and plastic chairs
- Rug for the door
- Ground texture and grass models
I think whenever I have some more free time to really work on something big, I'm gonna try to work on the ground textures and learn vertex painting. So, what do you guys think? Lighting good or bad now?
Default Marmoset settings, with one light. I need to fix my spec though, it looks like plastic when the light is close.