Hi everybody!
I've just started on whats to be my last school project before I graduate in June, and for this I've chosen the following piece of concept art for Assassin's Creed:

Yesterday I started the blockout and it ended up as the following:

After that I started on the interior pillars, already straying a bit from the concept by using Ionic pillars instead of Tuscan:

And here's a shot with them integrated in the main scene(never mind the ceiling, it was a test that ended bad):

Much more progress to come :-)
Looks like Shepeiro's turkish bathhouse would be a good reference for this project (in case you haven't seen it).
here are a couple of refs, of course it's also just bricks beeing used on this kind of ceilig, usually just with paint on top
Fid, as Neox pointed out, while its not following the concept, I came to the conclusion that the roof wouldnt be able to hold it self without the supporting beams.
Neox, thanks for the reference, after having studied them, my model is a bit off, will see if I can correct it.
Licky, thanks, me too :-)
Alberto, I see your point. Gonna have to revisit the blockout and see if more circular arches will take any major work to change and if they have a large impact on the visuals :-) However I will strive to get them in, because as you pointed out, they are a bit dull at this point.
There is some serious tilling gone on, but I think I can fix it quite easily with some different texture sets.
As for the scene, it's running in at around 6 million polygons total, however since everything is in a vray proxy, it renders just fine
njc6425, me too, it's gonna be fun!
ivanzu, nop, I used this script: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/stone-placement-tools and then used a good ammount of bend and FFD modifiers to bend them to the arch and then finished them off with a optimize modifier to bring the ammount of polygons.
Call me closed minded I guess, I suppose all your current model needs is for your texture to be rotated and the uvs deformed in a way that makes the bricks convincingly look like they are supportive and not superficial. At present they just distract me from the rest of the image because of the pattern.
edit: the assembled scene as it stands right now:
when you are going to start work on lighting ?
keep it up
Jessica, thanks :-) Next op is the interior flooring and floor trim, a window for the wall and the chandelier
Marks, thanks for the input, however lengthening the pillars would most likely result in a large change in the entire image and most likely do a good amount of damage to the entire composition since the low interior roof stands in contrast to the vertical form of the building in the middle of the courtyard.
I can't say I'm an expert on Roman architecture and the classical orders, however I don't think the pillars look that bad. As they stand now they are around 3 meters tall in the scene. I'm a bit reserved about doing such large scale changes at this point in time.
I do hope though I don't come across as an complete ass that doesn't listen, I value the constructive critique :-)
nice progress!
I'm gonna probably handle the middle piece at some point tomorrow, hopefully getting the centerpiece done.
The center piece looks great and draws my attention nicely. Cant wait to see more progress.
Thanks, do note that the lighting and camera is far from final :-) I've spent a total of 5 minutes on them. As soon as all the modelleing is done, lighting and camera is my next step and then shading.
I've used Zbrush for the flowerpots, however if I have he time, some hero pieces will most likely undergo a quick Zbrush session.
Took the center piece to about 90% complete modelling wise, moving on to the banners now.