Sup fellas, this started out as an art test but I wanted to do the full thing. It was just supposed to be upper body so I have to block out the pants and do all the details and stuff. Would love feedback.
there's something really wierd about her deltoid... it almost seems to dip inward about halfway down? as other people have commented, the thumb is a little stubby!
thanks everyone Making me feel better, I didnt get the position at the company I did the art test for. They wanted someone more senior But I did sign my full time contract at Starbreeze today! So that's cool.
Hmmm, I think I might have another look at that thumb, even though everyone loves it, I feel it might be a bit small :P Thanks
@Tenchi - I made the netting in maya, I'll post a gif or something when I get home, but it's deceptively simple to make
@Jessica - Thanks! No, it's about 50-50. I create all my bases in Maya and export them over to Zbrush for the sculpting and tweaking. But all the hard surface stuff was done in Maya. Just imported it into zbrush when I changed proportions.
@CandyStripes05 - No, I failed They gave me some feedback on the thing and I fixed it up but they still felt it wasn't up to their standard and wanted someone more senior =/ But they were really nice about it.
@Almighty_gir - Thanks man, Ill take another look when i get home and see if I can fix it up, think I have to revisit some anatomy a little all over.
@dustinbrown, Fred2303, Snefer, disanski, Paunescu.Daniel, Scythe, MattQ86, odium - Thank you, all of you! I was kinda bummed out when I didn't get it and started to doubt if it was any good so this really makes me feel better about her.
This is definitely well done. Just need a few tweaks here and there. I'd say for the face you could add more form to the cheek bones/cheeks as well as round out the jaw. Anything else I notice has already been said. Keep it up and don't get discouraged.
I feel something weird about her upper body mass vs. her hands and lower body.
I think the deltoids really seem flat and...'pulled' down and aren't compensate the body. She doesn't need to be a muscle bound female, but there is just something off, which makes her look more ape like in upper mass then human.
Still, cool piece. Just remember that for her scar (during coloring process) to not overdose on the diffuse and the amount of detail is bring to it. Your Normal Maps and Speculars should be doing all the nice work for the scar.
I had a Google+ Hangout with Chris Holden yesterday and it was pretty fun, a mini work session where we both had screen share on and just did our own thing and hung out. Pretty fun. I wanna do more of that stuff with the polycount people who are interested. I mostly watched him work so I can't really call this an update. I did start on the legs but it's way to ugly to show. Although.. It's fun to see the base when someone starts something and then watch the transformation.. So here are the legs as of now:
Again: This is the super quick base but just from seeing this I see that the arms are indeed a bit too long and that I have to change some stuff around.
Now for the sad part, I have to take a break from this one for a bout a week - 2 weeks I have a deal with my boss that if I do a bunch of characters for the game we're working on I can go to E3! But he's sort of crazy and wants all the civilians to be very different so it's not just a quick swap-the-legs-and-arms-around-and-make-a-couple-of-faces-and-you're-done situation. So it's gonna be a little quiet in here. But I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your comments and feedback. Really helps out. Thanks guys
@Ace-Angel - Hmm, I see what you're saying. I'm going back to the deltoids and see if I can do something about them since someone else commented as well. Thanks for pointing that out man.
@Orange - Hmm, weird that you can't see the files. Here are the direct links to the pics
You, sir, are awesome. Loved the gif I would personally love to do that kind of "hanging sculpt session" too, seems fun, great for sharing tips&tricks and see how other works. Don't have a g+ account for now, but if it's a must, i'll create one
But man, I love this so much... *saves*
Hmmm, I think I might have another look at that thumb, even though everyone loves it, I feel it might be a bit small :P Thanks
@Tenchi - I made the netting in maya, I'll post a gif or something when I get home, but it's deceptively simple to make
@Jessica - Thanks! No, it's about 50-50. I create all my bases in Maya and export them over to Zbrush for the sculpting and tweaking. But all the hard surface stuff was done in Maya. Just imported it into zbrush when I changed proportions.
@CandyStripes05 - No, I failed
@Almighty_gir - Thanks man, Ill take another look when i get home and see if I can fix it up, think I have to revisit some anatomy a little all over.
@dustinbrown, Fred2303, Snefer, disanski, Paunescu.Daniel, Scythe, MattQ86, odium - Thank you, all of you! I was kinda bummed out when I didn't get it and started to doubt if it was any good so this really makes me feel better about her.
I kinda thought it would be like this but it's landing in my minitut folder not to forget about it.
Can't find any weak spot on the sculpt, damn!
I think the deltoids really seem flat and...'pulled' down and aren't compensate the body. She doesn't need to be a muscle bound female, but there is just something off, which makes her look more ape like in upper mass then human.
Still, cool piece. Just remember that for her scar (during coloring process) to not overdose on the diffuse and the amount of detail is bring to it. Your Normal Maps and Speculars should be doing all the nice work for the scar.
I wonder if her arms might be a bit long? It will probably fit in well once you get the legs on her tbh.
Again: This is the super quick base but just from seeing this I see that the arms are indeed a bit too long and that I have to change some stuff around.
Now for the sad part, I have to take a break from this one for a bout a week - 2 weeks
@Ace-Angel - Hmm, I see what you're saying. I'm going back to the deltoids and see if I can do something about them since someone else commented as well. Thanks for pointing that out man.
@Orange - Hmm, weird that you can't see the files. Here are the direct links to the pics
The sculpt
@uncle, mbischof. temcjo. SCB, Sentinel373, TheGoozah, ebagg, dudealan2001, seth. - Thank you guys
can't wait to see the next step of your work