Starting a new thread for work i will be starting tomorrow, i really need to improve my modular modelling and texturing workflow and after watching a few vids and reading an epic thread by Jessica Dinh, im gonna give it a go. Basically its going to be a small fantasy town with a few props and lots of modular buildings, going to bring it over into CryEngine 3 for the final flythrough

this is mainly just a practise for texturing and modular modelling so im not after a final render, hence no concepting will be done, although lots of research will be haha. Im terrible with environments so when i start uploading im gonna need all the crit you guys can throw at me, and then some haha. Anyways im off for now, will start uploading stuff tomorrow

Here is my texture sheet ill be working off of, i will be creating just random wall segments and placing them around, as this is a technical exercise i havent really worried too much about weather or not they will match up, but more for variety of wall types. That being said i do hope i can create a few repeatable sections
let me know what you think
The areas with the same color is pretty much the same.
Tried bringing that piece into cryengine but was having issues with the exporter, when i finally got it in the engine i was having issues with the material haha... gonna give it another go tomorrow. thanks again for the help