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[Portfolio] Richard Wileman - Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 6
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richwderby polycounter lvl 6
Hi everyone!

I'm currently working on my portfolio, its still w.i.p but I would appreciate any feedback on anything from my work to the layout




Currently seeking employment


  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Really like the site and the layout, nice and clean with big images. I don't have much crit apart making sure you display texture sheets for everything - there's none for the gun.

    Also the high-poly image of the gun seems kinda blurry.
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    Wesley wrote: »
    Really like the site and the layout, nice and clean with big images. I don't have much crit apart making sure you display texture sheets for everything - there's none for the gun.

    Also the high-poly image of the gun seems kinda blurry.

    Yeah your right about that, I still need to finish my gun thats why the texture sheets aren't up. thanks anyway
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    "This video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

    Might wanna get that fixed with the video for the robot.

    The "wireframes" for the star wars ship could use some extra pop. If you are going to use your UV snapshot, then at least change the color/thickness to make em more visible, and/or town down the texture.

    I'd tone down the cavity map overlay in your diffuse texture a tad. Let your spec take care of those highlights :D

    The ME2 gun looks great, but the logo there leads me to believe you worked on the game and that was actually included in it. Make sure to clarify that it is inspired by the game, and perhaps show the concept on there so people can compare them. Being able to work accurately to a concept is a good skill to show.

    You might also want to try and create a different header. Try out a bunch of stuff, different fonts and juxtapositions of your name/environment artist. You want it to stick out, but in a good way. As it stands, I just see gray on gray when you should be slapping me in the face with your name, and what you do. Brand yourself.

    I hope that helps.
  • Ex-Ray
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    Ex-Ray polycounter lvl 14
    Site functions fine, I would either add something like 'Click image for scene breakdown' or resize them so it's obvious it's also a button.

    Star wars scene
    Would be nice to see more cube map reflection, especially on the ground. I would defo work on the lighting at the moment it's flat. The central hologram should be the 1st thing to pop out and glow with the seating area 2nd and 3rd the smaller lights dimmed down. Lower the ambient light, surely the room has to be dark enough to see the hologram right?

    I would work on the tires more, are they metal or rubber? Add cylindrical scratches on the metal caps to show rotation. Also how are they attached? Looks like they are just floating. The front guard could do with some small dents and perhaps some branding/signage on the front metal plate which looks like what is missing.

    All looking good though, keep it up!
  • lansay
    Nice start with the props. What were they built with? I agree with the other comments. Texture maps would help out a lot. My issue with your portfolio so far is that is feels as if you captured everything before it was finished. I would work on finishing the props and scenes before taking the time to stick them into your portfolio.
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    *I should have mentioned im currently looking for a job, for when I leave uni in May*

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, ive made a few changes from your suggestions.


    Ive changed my main header, so my name and specialty stands out more, ive also added a little more info on the main images

    Star Wars:

    Ive boosted the floor reflection like Ex-Ray suggested, I will work on the lighting when ive got my uni dissertation out of the way

    Mine Cart:

    This is probably the weakest asset on my site, but Ive added new main, texture & wireframe shots

    M29 Incisor:

    Ive taken down the textured version of this gun, since it isn't finished. I have posted a new render and wireframe for now.
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    Ive updated my site with a few new things, including a showreel. thanks

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzWsWWtpyXo"]Richard Wileman Environment Artist Showreel - YouTube[/ame]
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Hm. The minecart could have much better uv's. When I look at the model, all I am seeing are 3 main textures: the wheels, the wood, and the metal. I'm thinking of two tiling textures (wood and metal) which you could use everywhere in your scene (if there was more, like tracks, additional carts, beams, etc). You could also have a separate texture for the wheels and decals. You could actually have a normal map for just the wood, as its not affecting the metal very much (if at all).
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