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Female model

polycounter lvl 6
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Drakon polycounter lvl 6
My first female model, need a fresh eye to take a look and give me some feedback :)



  • Drakon
    Offline / Send Message
    Drakon polycounter lvl 6
    So ive updated my model slightly and i would appreciate it if anyone could point out things that needs to change, its my first female model after all :P

    I thought i would test posting a decimated model in a viewer so that people can have a better look:
  • disanski
    Offline / Send Message
    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Nice start man. I would not be able to give you a true critiques as i am fairly new to this myself but few things that stood out to me:
    - still looks kind of soft at areas so a bit more definition of different planes would not be bad :)
    - arm might be a bit too wide where it meets the body/ shoulder area looking from the back
    - I would love to see some more definition of the scapula at that certain pose but then again i dont know what your reference is so that might not be a must
    - biceps kind of sits wrong to me- it is supposed to flow under the deltoid into the armpit and now it does not.
    - distance between belly button to pubic area is way too short
    - double check if the knee is not too low - have not checked myself but it looks like it might be a touch too low

    Hope some of this might actually help :)
  • Drakon
    Offline / Send Message
    Drakon polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you Disanski :)
    Ive done some minor adjustments according to your crits, have a look and see if you think works better :

    also in the modelviewer:
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