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Need some ideas!

I first started modelling using 3DS Max when I started a games dev college course two years back. Long story short, I slacked quite a bit and fluked my way through the course. Now, however, I have a lot of spare time on my hands and I'm desperate to get back into it. I'm looking for a few simple things to model just to get my creative juices flowing, then onto some more difficult things. I know my way around max relatively well, so yeah, shoot. All suggestions appreciated. (: Cheers guys.


  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    a chimpanzee riding on a segway.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RadnGqPjdBY"]Chimpanzee Riding A Segway - YouTube[/ame]
  • DMV
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    I accept your challenge!
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    No offense, but if you're not creative enough to figure out something to do then I don't know what to tell you. You're telling me that the world around you hasn't inspired you at all? Music, stories, art, people... they are all uninspiring? Even if they are, make something that contrasts that fact then.

    I don't want to say what Polycount is/isn't because as a community we are what we need to be when we need to be it, but I think it's kind of shitty to pimp an industry full of professionals for ideas. I would at least try to give this thread some sort of angle... try:

    "Hey guys, it's been a while since I've done any 3D work. What were some of the creations you guys started off with back in the day? Anything you're still proud of or still ashamed of? Penis tanks don't count."

    See what I did there? I'm asking the community to share things about themselves, and in turn, getting ideas for things I should maybe start off with.

    I'm really not trying to make you feel bad. Consider this tough advice, I guess. Just saying.
  • DMV
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    No offence taken. Maybe my approach was a little off. In such a competitive industry, I'll take any advice on board. I'm just having a bit of a struggle getting back into it.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Seems to me like you're still slacking, since you don't want to put in the effort to create your own ideas.

    That being said, I would suggest grabbing items around the house, and modeling them. That way, it's something you can hold, and look at every angle, and it's probably an item you're very familiar with. Build from there.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Sci fi hallways are always a blast, good for any skill level. You'll brush up on creating geometry in creative new ways without worrying about it being "right" since it's sci fi, and kick up your metalic texturing which is always fun. Most importantly it gets you thinking modularly which is a core skill to have, work smarter not harder.

    Step 1: Wall

    Step 2: Floor

    Step 3: Wall thing

    Step 4: Floor thing

    Repeat 3 and 4 as necessary, finish with a badass door.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Crazyfingers has a good point. The metallic texturing also lends its self well to learning how to make proper, and effective spec maps.
  • DMV
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    notman wrote: »
    Seems to me like you're still slacking, since you don't want to put in the effort to create your own ideas.

    That being said, I would suggest grabbing items around the house, and modeling them. That way, it's something you can hold, and look at every angle, and it's probably an item you're very familiar with. Build from there.

    I have been. Household objects would be a good start and it's something I was more than likely going to start with anyway. As I said in my previous post, I think my approach was a little off. I've just been out of it for a little while and it's like 'Eugh, where to start'. Not only that, but part of the reason I posted was because I was interested in getting to know some people around the forums. I created this post for positive reasons, not as an opportunity to be slated. That being said, I opened myself to it, but I honestly didn't intend to come across the way I apparently did. Anyhoo, thanks for taking the time to reply. I'll go get stuck in! (:
  • DMV
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    notman wrote: »
    Seems to me like you're still slacking, since you don't want to put in the effort to create your own ideas.

    That being said, I would suggest grabbing items around the house, and modeling them. That way, it's something you can hold, and look at every angle, and it's probably an item you're very familiar with. Build from there.

    My interests are mainly in evironments. Something I should have addressed in the original post. I'll start out with a couple of household objects, throw together a room and "decorate" it with the objects.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    I made a game that I play with friends when we are bored

    Someone says the title of a video game (a made up title, like Message in a Bottle, The Can, Shutter, whatever)

    Then everyone else has 30 seconds to come up with the gameplay.

    Also makes a decent drinking game.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Also makes a decent drinking game.


    Game title: Shit on a stick
  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    Sometimes i just take randome objects from my surrounding...batteries, pens, CDs, books, and try to get them done as quick as possible (and you got some props on hand when you need them :D). I look at my Logitech speakers and think well there is a interesting shape with a nice material maybe would give it an hour or so if i got some time on my hands.
  • DeadlyFreeze
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    DeadlyFreeze polycounter lvl 17
    Stradigos wrote: »

    Game title: Shit on a stick

    You play a chauvinistic cliche from the 90's trying to save the planets babes from aliens... oh wait
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    You probably have more ideas than you think. The best thing to do is keep a sketch book or notepad with you through-out the day and jot down anything that catches your eye or inspires you.

    I'll give you an example of random inspiration. I was doing some shopping at my local today and my friend was telling me about some concept art of a faerie she created. Then I saw a hot female police officer browsing the cheese isle. I then thought to myself "Sandra the Faerie Mall Cop, Defender of the Cheese Aisles!".

    Fair enough ideas like these my sound a bit stupid and pointless, but whenever you are looking for inspiration all you have to do is go through your sketchbook, look at all the ideas you've accumulated, and refine some of them into something awesome.
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