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Lightwave Clo3D and Unity: export problems

HI, this is my problem, if somebody can help me it would be very thankfull...


1: one object in lightwave animated with bones ( a character), and i get the .mdd file ( MDBaker...)

2: i export this object ( wavefront .OBJ) and .mdd file into CLO3d.

3: In CLO3d, i make cloth and animate with the object i loaded ( .OBJ, character)( so i get the cloth animated with .OBJ file and .MDD file)

4: i export into lightwave the cloth mesh ( .OBJ got from CLO3d) and the .mdd file of the clothes too..

5 i test the animations and everything works great, until i export the files in .FBX format...

6: i load the .FBX format files into Unity,... and here is the problem... the character animation works good,.. but the clothes doesnt work...

somebody could throw me some light???


  • Adam L. Gray
    Offline / Send Message
    Throws you some (╯°□°)╯︵ LIGHT

    Sorry, but please change the formatting. I simply could not bear to read through the whole post as it was too much of a strain on my eyes :(
  • hermes7_1999
    Offline / Send Message
    sorry, my english is not very good, and plus,. i think this is my first time writing in a forum...
  • gsokol
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    This is because Unity can't read vertex animation right out of the box...only bone driven animation.
  • hermes7_1999
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    ok, but when i export in .FBX using the .mdd file , not bones ( example , the character walking), Unity import it great,... example: i animate with bones the character, i use MD Baker to get animation information...then , i delete all bones , so i load MD Reader ( using the .mdd file from MD Baker )...then i use .FBX export..and everything works great... if Unity doesnt support vertex animation, it shouldn t support vertex animation from character no?
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    if Unity doesnt support vertex animation, it shouldn t support vertex animation from character no?

    I'm sure what gsokol meant was that Unity doesn't support animations baked on vertecies, say a cloth simulation in your case..
    "vertec animation from characters", you mean skinned vertecies? well, that obviously works since the vertecies are skinned to a skeletal hierarchy which everything and it's grandmother supports.

    what you'd probably have to do is just export the character animation without the cloth and then let Unity handle the cloth dynamics.

    there really is little point to baking out cloth animations if you want dynamic cloth in the game at the end..
    if you want cloth like in Assassins Creed or whatever else then you'd let the game engine handle that. except for perhaps a cutscene, but I assume that is not what you want to do here?

    let Unity handle the cloth simulation and just export the character animations from Lightwave
  • hermes7_1999
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    wel, i really dont want a cloth simulation in Unity, just the clothes of the character following him animated,.. i thought this way will use not much resources from Unity ( dont need calculate the cloth simulation).....

    "vertec animation from characters" , what i mean is, i animate the character with bones, after i use MD Baker to scan the animation,.. later i use MDReader and i delete all the bones...so i have animation without bones...when i export in FBX, Unity get right the animation in the character...but it doesnt work when i use the .mdd on clothes... sorry if i explain bad my problem...well... thank you again
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