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Low Poly Bunker

polycounter lvl 5
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Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
I've been working on this bunker for a game project me and a few other guys have been working on. No normals, no specular, 512 x 512 texture.

Sort of WIP, but I'm probably not going to get a chance to add a few more details I want to, because I've taken longer than necessary to get this done and they probably want me to move onto another asset.

Crit welcome.





  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Is this for an RTS or what is it?

    There's a pretty big disconnect between polycount, texture density, and model detail. I think you could easily take this down to half the polycount, maybe even a quarter, without really losing detail. Are things going to be animated?
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    Snader wrote: »
    Is this for an RTS or what is it?

    There's a pretty big disconnect between polycount, texture density, and model detail. I think you could easily take this down to half the polycount, maybe even a quarter, without really losing detail. Are things going to be animated?

    Were making a League of Legends clone.

    I think the plan was to at some point have the door and hatches animate open and closed.
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Rule of thumb for non-deforming low poly objects:

    Any vertex which does not significantly change the silhouette should be removed. You have a TON of vertices which do not significantly change the silhouette. All those beveled edges? Don't need them. Either make the bevel bigger so they -significantly- change the silhouette, or remove them. All those edge loops? Remove them. All those slight extrusions? Flatten them.

    As for your textures... Your texel density (texture stretched over polygons) is erratic. Some areas look nearly crystal clear in your screenshots, while other areas show obvious pixelization. Given the fact that you seem to be going for a self-lit art style, you need WAY more lighting information in your texture. Ambient Occlusion, and baked lighting will help a lot. You also need more contrast in your textures. Quick paintover works better than words.
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    That paintover is really helpful, thank you. Right now I'm debating whether those polys on the door and window hatches are necessary, what do you guys think?

    UVs and Diffuse


  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Weirdboy wrote: »
    Right now I'm debating whether those polys on the door and window hatches are necessary, what do you guys think?
    So you are creating a game that is displayed from the RTS perspective (League of Legends clone you say?). With that in mind, my answer to your question would be:


    So in short, yes. You should remove them. No one is going to notice them anyway.

    EDIT: In fact, I think you could leave those large bevels in those surrounding pillars. They'd "smooth" things out a bit if you made them just a bit bigger (so that you'd actually see them when viewed from distance).
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5

    I took the bevel out of the hatches but kept the zigzagy shape, I think we still need to animate those at some point.

    If I take this any farther I might have to completely redo the texture, I seem to have messed up my UV's when I was taking polys out. Thought I had preserve UVs on.


  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    IMHO it's definitely a step in the right direction. If you are going to bring some of your next models for show as well, do so before you unwrap them. That way you don't have to be afraid of unwrapping the model again or even worse, texture it again.

    Nice work!
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