Hi all, I’m currently a games design student and I’ve started work on a new character, I’d like to use this thread for help and feedback as I go. I’ve created some silhouettes to try and get a feel for where the character will be going:

Some info about the character:
- He’s a butcher or slaughterhouse worker living in a post-apocalyptic British city.
- He’s part of a gruesome clan of survivors resorting to cannibalism for survival.
- The cause for the apocalypse was a virus.
- In a game environment he would appear as a boss.
The story isn’t very original but it just adds some direction for the character’s development. If you could help, I’d like you to choose your favourite silhouette (if you have one) from the sheet and suggest ways to improve it, things to add or remove and any other useful suggestions.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
It looks like you're coming up with some interesting ideas, but don't stop pushing that designs. The best ideas come after you've already worked through the easy ones.
So I like the apron in 9
with the knife belt in 5
with the mask on 4
the hook is a nice touch as well, keep goin! Can't wait to see more
I really like the demented feeling of him just wearing a pig head on his face. I've never seen it and it communicates larger that this is one screwed mf'er. And I don't mean screwed up like Jason or Freddie, but like Silence of the Lambs "It puts the lotion on it's skin" demented psychopathy.
no matter what you go with i think the belt from #5 will be the best bet
and for apron i say #9 would be a good fit, nothing over the top and it suits the fatter character better imo
I've tried to come up with a finished concept; my 2D skills are not the best but I'm happy with how it's looking:
The colours are not final and more tools may be added to his belt.
I could do with some help regarding the modelling:
- What is the best way to make chains?
- How should I create the apron?
- Should the pig mask be a separate object or part of the body base mesh?
For the chains, I'm not sure if I should make one link and instance the rest or make a group of chains and instance the group. As for the apron I was going to model the character's whole body and then create it out of the topology. I have no idea what to do with the pig mask.
Can anyone help?
The plan is to work on the body separately then create the clothing and accessories after.
I could do with some information on an ideal workflow as I'd like to create the diffuse texture using polypaint in ZBrush but I'm completely clueless as to how to do it or where it fits into the pipeline. My main concern is when to add the UV map and when to retop.
Please could someone list me their workflow after the high poly is done with focus on polypainting and texturing as a whole?
The character has gone through a bit of a re design as I wasn't happy with where it was going; the butcher in the typical apron has been done too many times before.
The pig mask has been changed to mutated style head and I've done away with the apron and gone for more of a wrestler style costume as his role is still a fighter/brawler; I plan to add more accessories to him tomorrow such as wrist wraps.
Should I normal map his costume or keep it as a separate object?
Areas I'm least happy with right now are his mouth and butt, any other feedback welcome.
I've also tweaked his mouth:
Any critique you can offer (good or bad) will be really appreciated; base mesh, anatomy, high poly sculpting, any texturing ideas or colour schemes you would like to see? I'm going to begin polypainting in a couple of days.
Anything you can offer will really help (even if it's for future characters).
Just wondering which I should take further, any opinions?
Just done a little bit more Polypainting:
Normal and Specular map only:
Final model:
Critique welcome.