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[Portfolio] Daryl Smout

polycounter lvl 12
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Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
Hello all, this is my portfolio of best work so far. I'm currently in my second year of a BA Digital Arts at University of Huddersfield.

The work is hosted by the standard Deviant Art portfolio, so I'm not really seeking feedback on the layout/design itself as I will be in the near future creating my own site/page. What I'm looking for is feedback on my work so far...

... what's my weakest piece? is there anything glaringly obviously wrong? is the work of a standard yet that may get me interviews?

any feedback you guys give would be greatly appreciated a million times over :)



  • slipsius
    well, you should ditch the home page, and have link straight to your character art page, or your envirornments. whatever it is you`re looking to do. I saw the home page, and the pic, and thought i would be able to scroll down to see more. took a few seconds to realize i had to click the links at the top.

    Your church scene, the lighting is absolutely horrible, and honestly looks unfinished because of it. So, either ditch the whole thing, or light it better. The obelisk is cool, but needs to be displayed better. use marmoset or something.

    the sci-fi tileable. It looks decent enough, but there's no clutter, and the red tint, i really dont like.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    I agree with slipsius, your banner says prop and texture artist but the first thing we see is a character which can be kinda confusing.
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    I am going to ditch the top sheet when i create my own site, im more concerned about the actual content though
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    woops wrong thread sorry.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    You need to reassess your whole plan as this portfolio is all over the place

    Six sections, repetitive content, no resume/CV

    Homepage be gone!

    Replace Bio with Resume

    Sci-Fi Tile able. I'm going to be outright with it; this scene is bullshit. No composition, no focal point, no light sources. Its box rooms with random tiling textures on. Only a few other shapes here and there, again with just random tiling textures, yellow fog for some reason?.
    Get some concept art to build off of as concept/design is your weak points here.

    Church: renders are just too dark, lighting too harsh (solid black background, solid black shadows). This overall, it's as bad as its presentation. It needs to be re-rendered, preferably in UDK, Cry3 or Unity (anything real-time)

    Concept art: none is really professional level. Lots of inconsistency, wonky/distorted anatomy, etc. Not sure any of this is helping.

    Characters: Lots of repeats from the concept section. Only one actual, finished game character and its anatomy is blobby and strange. Again, dark background, odd presentation. The bust doesn't seem to have any anatomy so much as a rough shape of a head with a texture on it.

    Obviously you're learning and have a long way to go. So here's what I'd do. Delete this portfolio. Make a new one with a simple gallery and resume/CV pages. Make a new Sci-fi scene based on a solid concept, re-present the church, and put the concept/character work on the backburner until you can get a solid portfolio together. This can get your foot in the door while you train up on character work if it's something you're passionate about.
  • Jon Jones
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    Jon Jones polycounter lvl 18
    Looked this over with Chris above. My comments on the 3D character's anatomy:

    - TRAPS. The traps from the side are too thick and jut too far out to the back.
    - BUTT. This was clearly done very quickly without much regard for how the muscles back there work together and fit.
    - FRONT OF KNEE: the muscle attachment at the front of the knee is pretty bad. If he bends his knee, most of the muscles in his calf separate from the bone and would snap it in half.
    - BACK OF KNEE: The fat tube thing behind the knees would only let them bend 45 degrees if he tried to bend them at all.
    - ARMS: They're really short and stubby.
    - BACK: the back torso has 2x the detail of the front. The abs are flat and featureless, and are a great opportunity for more interesting details. Overall, the distribution of detail is uneven.
    - MUSCLES: The anatomy of the abs, biceps, triceps and quads are pretty far off. I'd suggest reading Bridgman's The Human Machine, which is the best book on functional anatomy and how the muscles work together that I've ever read: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/o/ASIN/1466311649?tag=adapas02-20"]Amazon.com: The Human Machine (9781466311640): George B. Bridgman: Books[/ame]

    It's super cheap on Amazon, and I still refer to it today just because it's awesome.

    Hopefully none of this comes off as being too harsh. You're further along than many and you're putting yourself out there and improving yourself. Definitely keep it up.
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    cheers guys, I appreciate your responses.


    The scene is from a book by Alastair Reynolds and is about a ring of space stations around the planet Yellowstone. I'm yet to add a large cargo shuttle suspended over the large airlock, hopefully this will provide a focal point and variety in shapes. I was also intending to add in lots of props like machinery on the walls, so the walls themselves will be merely background stuff, does that make sense?

    The yellow fog is to enhance the yellowish light reflected up from the planet, its not very realistic i know but I thought it might help capture the atmosphere of an old station around the planet which is very yellowish according to the book.

    @Jon Jones

    Cheers matey, I appreciate that although I'm not too bothered about doing character art, I think at this stage I would like to simply become a prop artist but it never hurts to improve in all areas and I am thankful for you pointing me in the right direction.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    nothing really caught my eye to make your portfolio standout never mind remember-able, dont mean to sound harsh but that is what its going to take to score an interview.

    i find my best work comes from a solid concept. also my quickest work (i get lost in the small things if im going at it on my own) so find a sick piece of concept that you love and think will stand out as a bad ass portfolio piece find other reference images to support it and go at it hard ! ...best of luck man : )
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Definitely choose either props or characters. Your site in general is all over the place. I know what has been said already might be a bit harsh, but sometimes a kick in the ass is needed. Trust me, I've had my share of harsh critiques on here, we all have.. but take it and use it to improve your skills.

    To be honest, I actually like your characters. I think you're stronger as a concept artist from what I've seen on your portfolio. I'd stick with that and take what Jon Jones mentioned and use it to improve more. Good luck!
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    Well it worked, i now have the position of Junior Artist at TT Games. Just found out today :) although some of that credit should go to University of Huddersfield tutors who had the links with TT in the first place.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Just goes to show it's not always what you know but who you know. That's awesome! Congrats and good luck to you.

    What exactly will you be working on out of curiosity? Props? Characters? Concept Art?
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    props for hand helds :)
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