Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

The weird tribe human's lizard

Hi I am Brazilian and this is my first study of the Unity.
It's my first published here in Polycount.
To analyze the model.
You can interact directly from your browser.

To view the model in the Unity Web Player, you will first need to quickly and Internet Plugin UnityWebPlayer.


songs by
Free downloads are under Creative Commons License 3.0.

 Must credit "Music from JewelBeat.com" or "Sound Effect from JewelBeat.com".
A link to www.JewelBeat.com where possible.


  • Chimp
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimp interpolator
    The model looks cool but not everyone is going to want to install the unity webplayer. I have it so I'll give you my crits:

    1. the scene chugs on my machine, i am getting something like 10fps and so after about 10 seconds I closed the window.

    2. post some screenshots of the model from multiple angles and with wireframe and UV layout if you want crits on those too.

  • gsokol
    Offline / Send Message
    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    i am getting something like 10fps and so after about 10 seconds

    Hm..its silky smooth for me.

    I will admit, the music starting in when you zoom close to the character startled me...I almost fell out of my chair.

    I really dig the shader on this guy...is that just a default color/bump/specular? The shininess is really tight though..he actually glistens when you look at his back.

    I think the neck doesn't match the character very well. I like the detail there, but the way his head hangs forward just makes the guy look off balance. Perhaps it won't look so odd if you have him in a standing pose where it centers his balance.

    His hands look backwards. His palms are facing behind him, but his thumbs are facing up. If we do that, our thumbs face down...so basically his thumbs are on the outside of his hands instead of the inside.
  • bladearts
    character in three colors

    render in marmoset



  • bladearts
    Thumbs was intentional then, when you create the bones I hope to work with the idea I have in mind.
    improved brightness and post news as soon as possible.
  • dang87
    Offline / Send Message
    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
    Looks interesting. Forearms feel a bit short and some long legs he's got there. Maybe take a look at Halo's Elites to get a better feel for them?
  • bladearts




    low poly model 14.154 tris


  • bladearts
    SasoChicken and dang87

    thanks for the idea of ​​Halo's Elites!
    I will improve these features!
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